Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bits and Pieces

So the UCO Treasurer has announced that we have over paid to the tune of $69,000 to UCO, maybe because of the change in the budget year. So he will clear this up next month. After he is done, will we see a refund?

 I have not seen the refund for the WiFi charges that were turned down by the entire Delegate Assembly yet. As a matter of fact the Delegates turned down the WiFi initiative, which is the reason for the Wifi refund.

So how come the Great One in room 101 at 2102 is pushing his latest, the Broad Band initiative? Which is just another name for WiFi. Is he planning on switching the WiFi money over to the Broad Band money? I wouldn't put it past him.

So things at the UCO headquarters are going swimmingly. We pay, they collect, and all is good. Just ask the knowledgeable one, David Israel.

How about this? The Aids and Cleaning people can buy Gate Passes. The passes used to cost $3.00 a quarter, now the price is $4.50 a quarter. So why is there a charge at all. These are  regular people that have steady jobs in the Village. Do the Seacrest people pay? Do the Gardeners pay? So why charge the Domestics?

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