Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Reply from UCO

I see the great one has deigned to reply to yesterday's post. Wherein I asked or rather said that concerning the Homeless Motel nothing by UCO,WPRF,Cenvill and Benenson Capital was being done. They were all asleep at the switch. From where I sit nothing was being done.

Apparently I could be wrong. According to the representative from UCO, Mr.David Israel, they are all together working like beavers with plans to tell the Residents of what action they can take to protect themselves.

I am sure the advice from UCO will something that a 80 year old woman would want to hear.

 He is going to advise the Board to hire a lawyer and instruct him to use the the lawyer's advice from our wannabe attorney. That approach is ducking the issue. They, UCO,WPRF,CENVILL, Benenson Capital all have staff attorneys. Why don't they use these people to start a action that would give Kelly pause and stop him.

Why is Israel so insistent that the Local Condo Board must act. BTW this condo does not have a board of Directors. This non existent Board is run by Kelly and he is not going to allow the hiring of any attorney.

I think UCO, with our money, should take this on. I would be happier if I was communicating with a real Lawyer. As a delegate I vote "YES" to using our money in this fashion!

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