Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Woe is me!

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Take look at this Blog Post. It was made July 11, 2008, by the then Executive Board member and soon to be President, maybe for Life, David Israel.

I call your attention to item 2, wherein Mr. Israel says he is absolutely opposed to removing Term Limits. He wants Term Limits as do I. So why, when the Assembly voted in the affirmative, for term limits he held another vote and then another vote until he got what he wanted. No Term Limits. This is now that was then!

Then what happen is this. He became President and sees an opportunity to be President for life.

Oh, Woe is me! Woe is us!


  1. This clearly shows the hypocrisy of David Israel.

  2. George LoewensteinJuly 23, 2015 at 3:48 PM

    The rent strike referred to was suggested by attorney Rod Tennyson who now David uses for all his pronouncements. I merely followed his advise as David seems to do now. Asking residents to tell us if they intend to attend a meeting was because we were just rebuilding after the hurricane and had limited facilities available to hold meetings in. It was just for the logistics, not to keep residents from attending. Isn't it great to be a Monday Morning quarterback.
