Sunday, August 16, 2015

How can this happen?

When Fausto first showed up on the UCO scene we all thought that he was going to be a ray of sunshine in the murk. But NO he wasn't and isn't. Before long you began to see that he was taken in by the embrace of His Honor David Israel

So then he, if he did not began to Look like the Great One, he began to sound like him.

He began to utter the Party Line, and pretty soon you would have trouble telling apart who was who.

His greatest claim to fame was that he is the President of the only Club in the Village that is incorporated. Not True!

I began to think that Israel had Fausto join UCO so that when election time comes maybe he, Fausto, can swing his Club's votes toward David Israel.

Now since we see what kind of VP Fausto is making. How he does not have the knowledge for the jobs he has. The knowledge that he readily admits he does have. For example the Stripping contract. An area of which he is in charge of he admits to having no knowledge as to the cost, the total Contract price. Also he is not the President of the only Incorporated Club in the Village. There are 2 more, one of which is Residents for Justice.

So Mr.Fausto, so far you are a disappointment. You cannot be taken in by the aura of D.Israel. You must be your own man.

Term Limits will not solve this problem,but will help.

1 comment:

  1. It is well known that Fausto & his Board, do run wonderful "Social " events, however,his position at UCO, is another story...I do not believe he has the skills, required, to be appointed to oversee the projects, that were once in the hands of
    an extremely qualified individual as well as a complete Gentlemen, our former VP Dom Guarnagia. He has by passed the Bid Committee, on the last occasion, stating this is an "Emergency" Well it has been one for the past few months, unless the interpertation of the word has changed, it does not fit the catagory....
    Whether he had anything to do with the resignation of our CAM, or not, I do not know, however, itcould have contributed to Ted moving on...
