Tuesday, August 11, 2015

More Bits and Pieces

In answer to Bettie Lee
So Bettie Lee has propounded that you need 51% to make your building smoke free. I am guessing that the rules she applies are those rules that Ms Bleckman see fit to apply. It is her assessment that the Board of Directors can make no rules. That if they do they are not applicable or forcible unless a majority of the unit owners says so. And if that occurs then the people that live there now do not have to obey the rules. They are automatically Grandfathered in. The rules are only for new residents. Which means a  smoke free building is not smoke free until all the smokers move or pass away.

Lost Vice Presidents (AWOL)
So where are the 2 VP's? They don't make meetings. Excuses are made for them at meetings, generally by the Chair. But what is the matter here. I know that, with the approval of St.David Israel, they have more than one job. Is that the reason? Perhaps it is as I have mentioned before. If you are the editor of the Reporter do that job well, not half way.

The Transportation Committee
The transportation Committee is fiddling with the Bus schedules (not my words, but Israel's). Because of this the Committee is getting complaints from the regular users. And I am getting complaints from one of my readers that the victim, or the unit owner complaining is not really blind and has no right to complain. I say what does the fact that this person has a seeing eye dog and is registered as vision impaired have to do with his complaint?


  1. Gary, to begin with, my name is Bettie, Lee is my maiden name, Bleckman, my married name,,so legally, my name is Bettie Lee Bleckman ( born,raised & married in Montreal, PQ, all females are known by their maiden names, should they choose to add their spouse's name they may, some do, some don't...I did) now on to the 51% acceptance, ( majority of owner's) Your Bd can make any recommendations they choose, that is all you are legally able to do..you can not dictate policy. If u doubt my info. ck wih 718, or any other source u choose. Remember it's 718, not 617 ( applicable to UCO)...As I previously stated, U and anyone who wishes to attend the Trans. meeting is welcome..come & then offer your opinion...We as a community more than fullfill our legal obligations, and cannot satisfy everyone's whims...

  2. The building in question is Kent C. They have had a no smoking policy in place for close to ten years. there are signs prominently posted on the exterior of the building. Some of the unit owners bought in because of the no smoking policy. Sadly for them that is not the case, The building has quite a few smokers who ignore the rules. Not only that, there are two ladies who complained about it and have been constantly harassed . Read the full article in the next edition of The CV Messenger. It's a disgrace that residents of CV would behave in this manner.

    1. Thank u for the clarification... \the Original post left out the details u provided.
      No doubt an Attn'y would be the next step..
