Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Dummies are Coming out!!

THE DUMMIES ARE COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET LIKE COCKROACHES, and the UCO Reporter Rag is  giving them a platform to express their ignorance.

The latest one goes by the name of Hugh Green, who begins by saying a small segment of condominium owners have been on their own quest for justice, which is slowly eating away at our way of life. He later declares if this trend continues we may reach a point where new potential residents will not want to live here because of the adversarial atmosphere that currently permeates the village.   Read the stats in the UCO Rag Mr. Green. More and more people are buying and renting in this village. People are clamoring to move here.  Possibly because as you inferred in your article, they do not give a rat’s ass about the politics in the village. The only thing they know is, it is affordable, convenient and the amenities are fantastic.
Of course, this all could change in the future if people like you continue to support the current administration that is running the village to the ground with its useless spending.
Get a grip Greenie!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! You are so right Olga. I can't believe the people who are coming into this village. The other day when coming into the village through the East gate their was a young fellow riding a bicycle and trying to get in. He had no ID but claimed he lived here in the village. He was really giving the guard a hard time. Where was he living? Maybe Sheffield O. Don't know what happened because I would have been holding up traffic at the gate. So I'm sure if this continues like this, It will no longer be the Century Village we all remember..
