Sunday, September 6, 2015

Herb Finkelstein needs to have his brain evaluated.

Darling Herb, the sweet talking Rodney King wannabe of Century Village who wants us all to get along and make nice made another big mouth mistake.  Herb put his foot in his mouth after Myron Solomon spoke to the Delegate Assembly to remind them that David Israel illegally violated the bylaws when he did not allow the Delegates to vote on the road striping.   In order to show up Mr. Solomon and prove how smart he is, Herb said the following:  “We knew about this problem fourteen months and when it became an emergency, we had to act” - act on what and when Herb. Were you waiting for Godot?  Were you acting in a play of fools?  If you, the President, Officers, etc., knew of this problem fourteen months ago, why in hell did it take you so long to act on it?  When a person goes to the Doctor to complain of chest pains, the Doctor does not wait fourteen months or until the patient suffers a heart attack. He orders tests immediately. Why did you wait so long?

Wake up Herb, it is time for you to take a step back and resign from the Executive Board and all committees. It is time for you to make room for someone with common sense and smarts.


  1. Olga gets it right again.

  2. Olga, you are absolutely right. I do not know what is wrong with some of these people. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. One minute they agree with you and the next they immediately say something else. Who are they fooling? Do they really know what they want? It's time for some new blood, so people the Elections are coming sooner than you think, so step up to the plate and think about running for the board. Also we need term limits. Like I said before NEW BLOOD.
