Sunday, February 16, 2014

Scandals 7B

NOTICE:  Many of the thousands of Unit Owners may have read SCANDALS, PART #7B; also,
many have not; and, if you happen to have missed it entirely, -- it is repeated herein below exactly
as originally posted.  Bear in mind as you read this scandal that these two UCO officers, Israel and
Black, UCO's President and Treasurer (at the time) respectively, were entrusted to guard against
the making of any illicit deals that could cause harm to Century Village.  Yet their scheme went
ahead and they executed a sophisticated con game right before your very eyes.  SCANDALS,
PART #7B reveals how this con game went down.

“So what if they steal, as long as it’s not too much.” 


When Israel and Black schemed to get every nickel from all of the UCO accounts to pay for the paving contracts, they came to realize that they couldn’t permanently borrow enough money from these already depleted accounts to make the paving payments.  So, what Cue-ball and Black-ball did was to go to Bank Atlantic (which is now BB&T), and ask for a loan – IT WAS A $750,000 LINE OF CREDIT. 

People were beginning to wise up to the scam, but it was too late; the Delegates were conned into approving it.  They were convinced by Israel and Black that we would probably never really need to draw down on the line of credit because, they said that “WE HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY.”  We didn’t have “plenty of money”; that statement was a LIE straight to your face. 

What was not told to anyone was that if you wanted to draw down, say $100,000.00, against the Line of Credit, you needed to satisfy the Bank’s requirement of putting up that same amount of money - $100,000.00 - as collateral.  Who in their right mind would do that?  Even the Bank advised against it.  But, that is what Israel and Black agreed to; and Israel signed those bank documents.

But, it doesn’t end at that point, -- there were closing costs comprised of Documentary Stamps, Loan Processing Fee, Courier Fee, IRS Income Transcript Fees, lender’s Attorneys’ Fee and Costs, all of which were NON-REFUNDABLE whether you borrowed any of the loan monies or not.  These fees came to $6,270.00.  UCO’s attorney may or may not have been paid in addition for his services.  Israel and Black wouldn’t tell you about these bank fees because they needed to have it kept top secret.  NOW, THIS IS A SCANDAL! 

Doing back-room business is the Israel/Black way of pulling the wool over your eyes, -- and the sad, sad part about it is that they know they can do it and nobody is going to questions what they’re doing. 

As it turned out, Dorothy Tetro became the Treasurer and was miraculously able, with professional assistance, to figure out how to make everything work without borrowing any of the Line of Credit monies.  The books are open to anyone who wants to look at them.  You should know, however, that Israel may require you to put your request for records in writing, state the Florida Statute under which you  seek such information, and state the reasons why you want to view this information.  These are Cue-ball/Black/ball secrets – top secret information.   

 It doesn’t really matter whether you mishandle $10.00 or $10,000.00, you can still be arrested and incarcerated. 

 Cue-ball, Black-ball and No-balls want Dorothy Tetro out of office because she is unquestionably honest and she knows much too much about what one officer and two former office holders have done that involves MONEY.  She is following the money trail, and she’s apparently getting very close.

The cost of the Line of Credit, $6,270.00, signed by Israel, was just supposed to go away, -- disappear.  You’ll never know anything . . .  “forget about it,” as the crooks say.  And, with the Israel/Black premise of all the money in one pot, about $7,000,000.00, and you not knowing where it is going at any one time because of concealed records, or lost records, or inconsistent records, or you need a letter with reasons for wanting to know, -- well – use your heads, -- use your common sense, -- the money was DISAPPEARING, and you’ll never be able to prove what happened to it.

Crooks do this kind of thing all the time.  Con jobs, a specialty.  Sixty Minutes on TV picked up these kinds of things all the time.  If criminals know that they can get away with stealing and robbing, then they’ll do it.  Century Village, -- a lot of dead brains out there who say: “so what if they steal, as long as it’s not too much.”  INCREDIBLE, ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE.

What Israel and Black conjured up was an illegal shell game done right before your very eyes.  Marshall just shook his head up and down.  Follow the money trail . . .  it’s a SCANDAL. 



  1. Eduardo, As I recall - from memory -
    Ed Black, -Cue Ball gave a speech at the delegate assembly asking for a one million line of credit by telling the delegates it was needed in the event of a hurricane. Of course this was a BOLD FACE lie because we have hurricane insurance.
    And you are absolutely correct, HE NEVER INFORMED THE RESIDENTS THE LOAN WOULD COST $6,270.00 and that we needed collateral for any money taken from the loan.
    I suspect, because ( THE BALLS) were not forthcoming with this information, the delegates approved it. Approximately 19 delegates, including myself voted against it.
    Mucho Gracias for the update.

  2. Isn't this interesting: "As it turned out, Dorothy Tetro became the Treasurer and was miraculously able, with professional assistance, to figure out how to make everything work without borrowing any of the Line of Credit monies...." A miracle worker. Or were we not in as much trouble as some claimed?

    1. Lanny,

      Esther is so right. It's time to wake up and smell the roses. The information you have read on this blog is available to any resident willing to ask for it. I suggest it's time for some bedtime reading. Get those documents- stick some toothpicks in you eyelids and read up. Stop chasing your tail protecting those people who may be facing possible jail terms in the future.

  3. Lanny, please get your head out of the sand and look at the acts. Dave and cohorts screwed up the finances of the Village and would have done even more harm, like borrowing funds for their pet projects - which are poorly planned and/or carried out - and then we would have had only G-d knows how much to pay back with interest on top. What is interesting is that though you do try to come across as rational and neutral, your true colors have certainly bled through. Read all the postings again, look at the details. This is like the kid with the hand in the cookie jar denying that fact even as he is caught red handed. Dave ,etc, denying the facts does not make it so. Wishful thinking is part of a small child's thinking. Says something about our president, does it not? Check how more and more people are posting anti Dave comments, and that is only the tip of the iceberg for we hear from many more who read, but do not post. Join the future, Lanny.And by the way, Dorothy pulled all our nuts out of the fire thru good hard thinking and knowledge and just look at the thanks she got from those two morons.

  4. To Lanny Howe, Sept. 21, 2013: Why is it that you say nice things with dripping sarcasm? The truth is out there and you, as an intelligent man, seem to want to deny it. What the hell is the matter with you?
    Yes, Dorothy was miraculous. She put in 15 hour days and weekends while working with other professionals that pointed out so many things that Israel and Black did to scramble the books. It is very much apparent that you just don't get it. Israel and Black secretly operated the UCO business as though it was their own private business. It was total chaos when Dorothy took over; and, according to a very reliable source, - it was done so that you didn't know what moneys were coming in to what accounts, and you weren't supposed to know how the moneys were being spent. It was sort of like a pyramid scheme.
    Even the accountants made the statement that if necessary action was not taken quickly in several areas, UCO was going to face bankruptcy. Coming up to a certain point, it would become unavoidable.
    So don't be so frigg'n sarcastic with your comments. You say "miracle worker," - you're right, times two, AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. EDUARDO

  5. I'm sure you'll get a chance to make charges against the people you are calling thieves . Can't wait to see you testify.

    1. Who needs to testify? The signed documents by Israel, the taping of meetings and the witnesses who are definitely willing to make written statements, all speak for what is actionable by the State Attorney.
      You, Mike, are the one using the word "thieves." Are you suggesting that Israel and Black might be crooks? If you are, well then read the history of what went down and you could be on the right track.

    2. Don, Suggesting nothing of the kind, we all know the stock and trade of this blog is innuendo and character assasination. Have no fear though, you and your slate of candidates for the most part will lose the election and CV will be saved from becoming a slum.

    3. You know, Mike, it doesn't matter if absolute and positive proof is placed right before your eyes, you will say it's "innuendo and character assassination."
      It is so unfortunate that you're not understanding of what Israel has done to this Village. He has crippled it. He has made people hate one another. He has manipulated your money and my money.
      This man that you worship lies about everything. Look at history and you will clearly see not so much as to what Israel has done, but more importantly, WHAT HE HAS NOT DONE.
      We want peace and harmony, but it is more than clear that Israel wants a dictatorship. So, Mike, you have a right to think anyway you wish, of course, but when you have a real problem, and I hope that you never do, --- don't look to Israel for answers.
      If you're person with a third grade education, you'll eventually come to grips with the horror that Israel has cast upon the people who just want to live in peace and tranquility. In a way, I feel sorry for you.

    4. Hi Don ,Thanks for your sympathy but CV will be fine after Dave and his slate win the election,

  6. It seems to me that Israel and Black are freely able to con everybody. I don't get it. This con game was like stealing $6,270.00 out of our pockets because for that money, we got absolutely nothing in return.
    The biggest question I have is, who has that money that the Delegates and the Executive Board and the other officers don't even know about; is it the bank or is it Israel and Black?
