Thursday, September 12, 2013

Money out of Your Pockets? No Way.

Class action is not costing us!

It's time for everyone in the Village to wake up and stop believing everything that they hear. The one story that is going around the village is that the Class Action Law Suit that has been filled against UCO is taking money out of your pockets. This is a lie that is among the many lies that has been told to the Residents of Century Village.
 The only cost that has been paid so far is a $5,000.00 deductible which should be covered by the 2013 budget that has $10,000.00 to cover any legal issues. The next item would be the cost of the Directors & Officers Insurance Policy which costs each and every unit owner Twenty Six Cents ($.26) for the entire year. This policy costs a little over $2,000,00 for the entire year of 2013.
 If people want  to talk about how their pockets are being picked wait until the truth comes out about the real cost of WI-FI .You will be in for a surprise. Even your Bid Committee refused to Vote on  this project at their meeting on August 22  as these bids needed more clarification.

Remember all of the projects that were done in the past which really picked your pockets? THE ROADWAY PROJECT, THE REPLACMENT OF DRAINS,  and of course COMCAST. One thing you must remember EVERYONE in CENTURY VILLAGE will benefit from the CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST UCO.

Now that you have the facts, do you wonder where the misinformation came from?
Posted by Shirley


  1. Ok Jerry, so you cost us five thousand dollars. Drop the suit and write a check to UCO for five grand before the next deductable kicks in.

    Like every other insurance policy in the universe, the result of a claim will be a raised premium or dropped coverage, followed by a new policy with higher premiums. Frankly, with Century Village's long history of frivolous and spite lawsuits, I am amazed that UCO can be insured at all.

    You caused the claim with your lawsuit. All Century Village homeowners will bear the long term costs. Even if my maintenance goes up ten cents as the result of your lawsuit, you will, in my eyes, be responsible for the increase.

    Filing lawsuits is your right. There is no need for you to explain your actions or minimize the consequences. It is what it is. Price of living in Paradise..

  2. To Don 4060,

    It's is so unfortunate that you are so brain dead. You refuse to understand that it is the residents who stand to gain from this lawsuit.
    Day in and day out you are reading the truth about what has occurred in the Village, yet you refuse to accept any of it. You keep blaming people like Jerry who have tried to open your eyes to the truth. You are a pitiful soul who needs guidance.
    Get off you chair and do something positive for the village the way Jerry and his friends have. Use your energy for the good of the village unlike David Israel, Ed Black, Bob Marshall and company who have caused us nothing but havoc and poverty.

  3. Ok anonymous, I will bite. Provide some "guidance" for this "pitiful soul".

    I already know how the Solomon/Karpf v. UCO lawsuit will penalize me down the road- see my comment above.

    Explain to me how this lawsuit, which appears to be inactive for the past three months, will benefit me or any other individual CV homeowner. Please be specific.

    And Mr. Karpf, please feel free to answer as well.

  4. Incidentally, this post originally appeared over the name "Jerry Karpf". It disappeared for a couple of days, then reappeared over the name "Shirley". I printed a hard copy of the original post, just in case someone decides to call me a liar.

    At any rate, most of these "nom de plume" posts are actually posted by the blog administrator, Gary Oldman. The post could have been authored by Gary, or Jerry, or "Shirley". Only Mr. Oldman knows for sure,

    1. No Don4060 no body would call you a liar. That's the problem we got now, with the Dirty politics. Everybody feels the need to cover themselves. I did not post it and I know you did not (I think). And who cares, it is only a opinion, made by someone who wants to stay hidden. Pretty much like you.

  5. Who is Mr. Oldman??? It couldn't be Gary, because that is not his name. If you consider yourself so intelligent Don, how come you aren't able to read well enough to notice that there is NO Mr. Oldman? So much for your claims of superiority to those who post on this blog. One day you will wake up and smell the roses, but by then it will be too late.

    1. Sure there is a Gary Oldman. He is a famous world class actor. Currently still working.

  6. No Gary- my Blogger screen name is registered with Google. It is tied to my email and unique IP address. Yours is too. Screen names are not used to "remain hidden". It doesn't work that way.

    These "nom de plume" posts are a different matter. In this instance, the names "Shirley", and originally, "Jerry Karpf" were added to the bottom of the post- but the post was added to the blog by you. Your name is stamped at the bottom of the post. That means the post was either written by you, or you reposted a message written by someone else. Your claim: "I did not post it" is a lie.

    There is no need to lie. You are perfectly entitled to repost material written by others and to withhold authorship to preserve anonymity.

    1. So exactly who are you? what is your name? What is your Email address. I am totally out in the public. And you are totally hidden. Maybe I should ask Olga to bring you a pair of Balls

  7. Ps sorry about the "oldman". Autocorrect is a bitch.

  8. Gees, Don, are you back again? I thought that your hat size (40) and belt size (60) changed. Are they bigger?
    If you don't know why the Solomon/Karpf law suit was filed against UCO, then you're missing a lot that is going on around you. When you think about law suits, you automatically think about money. It is not entirely about money. It is about getting rid of a whole bunch of wrongs.
    Other than taking these really wicked and morally deficient people out back and shooting them, - you sue them because that is one way of getting rid of CORRUPTION. It was never this bad in the Village.
    The roadway paving CORRUPTION. Drainage work....more CORRUPTION. The presidential election....absolute CORRUPTION. WiFi was heading, and still may be heading, for CORRUPTION. Illegally shifting money and keeping it top secret....that is CORRUPTION, my friend. A pay raise to a property manager who should have been fired long before his raise....that is CORRUPTION. Threatening people and putting them in fear is....CORRUPTION. The UCO Reporter controlled completely by CORRUPTION.
    It doesn't end with what is stated hereinabove, - it goes on and on and there is not enough space to list all of the CORRUPTION that is happening frequently at UCO.
    I think (on this blog you can freely express yourself), that this law suit will cause the good people of CV to wake up and see what has really happened to the Village, and realize that money is tied to CORRUPTION, and CORRUPTION is tied to the dictatorship in control, - and those people in control are killing this Village.
    THIS SUIT, IN MY CONSIDERED OPINION, IS FOR THE PEOPLE. When all of the bricks come tumbling down around these bad guys, they will be chased out of the Village, and any moneys from the suit, above all expenses, will no doubt be funneled back to the residents.
    So, Don 4060 (or whatever size you are now), how would you handle it? Have a CORRUPT tea party? EDUARDO

  9. It is very frustrating when people simply don't get it. How much more evidence is needed to convince them? Elaineb goes blathering on about wifi and the Holy Grail - can you believe that! And who is Dave? King Arthur? Don goes on and on with the same old tired arguemanets. Perhaps a picture inwords might help. Wifi went thru and everyone is sitting by the pool on computers, ignoring each other and the pool and beside them are the posts that Elaineb says can be harmonized with wifi and then what - oh, there in the corner is the crooked old guy and his grandson stealing everyone's info. Happy wifi everyone, but at least you can eat. Oh, not really. No food by the pool.
    We now have a chance to set up an honest and caring government for the Village. No more corruption. No more backroom deals. No more threats. Only discussion in an open forum and then a proper vote process. No more busting chops and balls. (Sorry, just could not resist that one).The momentum has started and we will get what is right.

  10. it is amazing how people never see what is going on around them,they never see how badly the roads and parking lots were fixed and how badly the roads are cracked only after about one and one half years after being fixed. These same people never see the flooding that happens around Hastings and other places whenever it rains. What they should see is how much it will cost the people of Century Village to replace the roads and how soon we will have replace the roads and how Meany more drains still have to be replaced and how much will this cost the people of Century Village

    1. One thing that you can do is have a plaque made up with Cue-ball's name on it and also Black-ball's name, and former president/ass-kisser's name on it, and then P A V E O V E R I T.

    2. But, Mr. Eduardo, a bronze plaque costs a lot of money. Maybe Israel and Black will attempt to rob another account and get it done secretively. Thank G-d Dorothy Tetro is watching the money.
