Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sneaky business redone

What is it with the delegate haters? If Ed Grossman tries to speak he gets boo,d. No matter what he says or does, he gets boo,d.

This time he was reporting to the assembly a situation that he came across and attempted to fix it and he did. The outcome was the savings of considerable monies for each of the unit owners, So the delegates, at least the haters and the uninformed did not want to hear it, so the boos.

So that outcome was stupid. What was happening was that the UCO President had decided who he wanted to supply us with TV, Wifi and maybe telephone services, This was done to the exclusion of all other applicants.

David Israel did not invite any other bids.

That is until Ed Grossman spoke to Comcast. They were not aware that there was bidding going on. So they immediately contacted Israel and were given a chance to bid.

The outcome was that Comcast has now become the favorite bidder. At least that seems to be the case for now,

What I do not understand, why no additional bidders? Why accept Atlantic and nobody else? Who gave Israel the right to decide on who bids and who does not. So, anyway it appears as if the bidding was opened up to include Comcast and now they are the favorite.

We will see how this finally comes down. Who is lying to the Delegates and why?

And here is another stupid thing. My blog is open. I accept anybody's post. Israel's blog is closed. You have to be registered to comment or post. The list of acceptable posters is small. I am not on it. All of the people that have the nerve to object to Israel's doings are banned. So it looks as if I am slandered on Israels private blog and I have no recourse to respond (except on the public blog. My Village Blogger). And I notice that the acceptable posters are limited in number and all in the Israel Camp.



  1. I was at the DA meeting and did witness the shameful exchange between the parties involved. I also responded to Neil's article and suggested whom ever ED spoke to at Comcast, should once more be contacted to confirm the date & time of the conversation that took place between himself & the Comcast representative....Then present it..that will prove once & fore all who has their facts straight...CSI rep was out of line, calling Ed a Liar....

  2. A secret deal was signed by David Israel giving CSI the nod to conduct negotiations for WIFI.CSI stands to get almost a half million dollars for working this deal. It's a damned disgrace. The only reason we are contemplating a new contract is because David israel is determined to fulfill his ambitions of getting WIFI. The present contract with comcast is effective till 2019. Why dones CV want to spend that kind of money? Why was ATlantic Broadband named as the provider of choice? What gives David Israel the authority to sign a contract of this magnitude without delegate approval? Theres a lot of money at stake . Could that be the reason for all this nonsense? The best option for the village would be to clear the air by rejecting any proposal at this time, and starting afresh with a new administration. There'a no rush to seal a cable TV deal right now.there's something not right about this whole thing.

    1. No secret deal. You should go to the Delegates meetings and you will learn a lot of information. It has been discussed a lot and David Israel keeps the delegates informed. Gary lies!!!!

    2. Hey Gracie, Go back and review the delegate meetings, you will hear David Israel tell the delegates that Comcast was not interested in bidding. If you had half a brain, you would figure out that Comcast was not interested in bidding two years before their contract expired.
      David did not tell Comcast that he was planning to secure a contract with Atlantic Broadband, two years hence. If he told Comcast, you bet your ass, they would have bid. Want to know why he didn't - because he was anxious to get his freaking broadband installed pronto, before the delegates woke up and figured out what he was doing.

  3. For your info Gary, people are tired of Ed Grossman and his nonsense. Whatever is brought good or bad by David Israel will tried to be derailed by the likes of Gross man and Olga, your friends. If you all so hate the village why do you live here. We live in a beautiful village with the Volunteers working VERY hard to make us all happy. You know you can't make all the people happy all of the time and the haters can't be made happy. You are a poor soul.

    1. Some people may be tired of Ed Grossman, It's those who support Israel no matter what he does. "Whatever is brought good or bad will try to be derailed" WRONG! If you look carefully, you'll see that just the things that are being brought that are objectionable are being derailed. Things like: signing a $450.000.00 contract without delegates approval. Handing over $800,000.00 to WPRF to fix their building, when the owners should be fixing it, turning a blind eye to the goings on at Sheffield O for years. Continuing a crusade for WIFI when the residents said NO. TWICE. Firing able and motivated volunteers for no other reason than they objected to his activities. Throttling the village media so that they only espouse his party line. As for hating the village and why don't some of the objectors go somewhere else. That's totally out of line. Obviously they like it here, but will not stand back and say nothing when they see that something is not right. Perhaps if Grace is tired of her neighbors, she should go live somewhere else. It's sad to hear that Grace can't be made happy all the time. She obviously hates Ed and Olga and whoever else makes an objection to wrong-doing in the village.

  4. Mandala you can't read. I asked if Ed and Olga and their like dislike the village so much why live here. I have lovely neighbors where I live here in our lovely village. The delegates are tired of listening to Ed and Olga. Go do a delegate's meeting and see for yourself. Ed and Olga just undermine all that is good in the village.

  5. He (Neil Moore) doesn't even own anything here, but Grossman made him editor of his newsletter. Nothing comes out of his pocket but rent, and there are some doubts about that by some.

    1. Very unnecessary comment, Bob. It doesn't make you look so bright. So what if Neil Moore is the editor of the Messenger. John Doe can be editor too. Neil Moore has a lot of constructive things to put in print. What does Israel have to say? He says basically nothing. All he does is report the news. Bob, I was once your friend and I'm advising you to stop searching for dirt.

    2. Why show making a true statement be unnecessary? If he has no financial stake in the village, why should you listen listen to him? He doesn't lose anything. If I recall Ms. Once your friend, you were pretty vocal about another renter that worked at UCO and the Reporter. I was not spying on my so-called friends. I did not send advance copies of materials to be published to anyone. I was not asked to leave because of questionable work ethics. Need I go on?

    3. Lighten up, Bob. You're getting defensive. Your argument regarding Neil Moore is not valid. If you don't like what he has to say, well, that's okay because you and others have your own opinions. But, to argue that he has no business writing for a newsletter that you don't happen to like, because he rents property here rather than own, is getting personal, and it's like you can't find anything else to say. Don't forget, you and I both know that a lot can be dug up about you and your past and it may be personal. Let's not go there. There are a several writers for the Palm Beach Post. Most of them don't even work for the paper. I'm giving you good advice. Stop searching for dirt.

  6. Bob Rivera constantly attacks people and tries to throw dirt on their character, he does this when he really has no good response to the issues or what his opponents are saying. his statements are full of untruths and attempts to incite bigotry. He posted some info about a homeowner in Royal Palm beach, obviously knowing nothing about the man or whether or not it is the same person he was trying to defame. As for why he was asked to leave the reporter. I hear that it was because he was unhappy that the paper wouldn't publish an offensive cartoon he drew up, depicting a dog and a bunch of fecal matter. Not only that the people in the office were getting fed up with his so called therapy dog following him everywhere.

  7. what part of NO FINANCIAL STAKE in the village don't you quite get? It's easy to bark at a problem when you have no intention or means to be part of the solution. If you don't have a stake in the village, you can just get up and walk away. As a renter, you pay for the privilege of using the facilities. You have no say in what the OWNER can or can't spend money on. That is for the owners or their representatives (who are also owners) do. Did I hit a nerve ? Sounds like you are the one being defensive.
    I just read tonight that all volunteers must be owners that are members of UCO. Interesting. Oh yeah, be sure to catch my response to Neil in my blog. It will be published very soon.

    1. Bob, you argue just for sake of arguing whether you're right or wrong. Do you look in the mirror and shout vulgarities? In this particular case, you bring up Neil Moore. You feed on digging up dirt, all of which is absolute nonsense. But, what you're doing is digging yet another big hole for yourself. You've done it before and many, many people in the Village took you down and made you appear to be the Village idiot. Do you intentionally like to damage your reputation? You're doing it all by yourself. You call Neil Moore's existence in the Village as a renter and the editor of a respectable newsletter "a problem." You, Bob, are the problem, a big one, and growing. I've been trying to tell you nicely to stop with this attitude of digging up dirt for the purpose of trying to destroy a person reputation, but you're just not listening. It's going to come back and bite you. Mark my words.

  8. You can say what ever you want. The best you can come at me with will be rumors. Just like the ones you spread before. Some friend.... I'll be nice right now, only because you are running for election and many people have seen who you are in the past couple years. You have your moments, but doesn't mean you will get elected hands down.

    1. Now you seem to be listening. Keep the lid on and people will listen to whatever you have to say. They'll be your opinions; respect theirs. Criticize and get personal and you'll be scorned. Why would you want to shoot your own toe off? People will not remember the person to whom you inflict damage so much as the person who said it in the first place.

  9. you got that wrong...Listening? to you? nah. Have I listened to you in the past? NOT MUCH M. I follow what I FEEL IS RIGHT. I don't care what others have to say when I feel I am right. So, Ms once your friend, you would do better to change the name to never a true friend. accuracy counts. (mike drop)

    1. I think that you've been thinking I'm a certain person with whom you might have had a problem with in the past. Who do you think I am? You said "I follow what I FEEL IS RIGHT." Are you right about who I am? You go on to say "I don't care what others have to say when I feel I am right." Are you right about who I am? You're so pigheaded that you feel you are right and nobody can convince you otherwise. Bob oh boy, do you have mental issues. See Israel, he'll help you. I tried to give you some good advice, and I'm not who you think I am.

    2. It's easy to hide behind a pseudonym. You don't have the Cajones to write under your own name, then it's not even worth really listening to. You don't know me, you may think you do, but you don't. Just a frightened little bird that squawks away. Learn to fly little bird. Otherwise you fall out of your nest and be eaten by the cat lurking below.

    3. Is this guy a fruitcake, or what?

    4. And now the peanut gallery enters in.

    5. Hey, Bob, you made a funny! A fruitcake has lots of nuts. The "peanut gallery" enters to read what the "fruitcake" has to say. You just might be better off not writing one-liners and stick to smooching Israel's posterior. Let's have a real intelligent reply.
