Tuesday, October 8, 2013


So here we go again. Anita posted on the other blog a whole 10 point diatribe on wifi and it is complete with the same evasions, stupidities and half truths.
1.Yes, wifi at present costs more, a stable cost, but how much more will the $3 change and rise over the next few years. My bet - a lot and will soon come to rival present charges.
2. These same people with the computers can easily go to the Clubhouse or Hastings or any of the numerous WPRF pools where there is wifi already. Those who have no computers can go to the library or borrow a friend's as many people do. And if there are such programs, why do we not look into it so we can get computers for the Village, just as the libraries have? It's a thought.
And talking about safety of our residents - have we handled the problem of increased identity theft via unprotected Internet wifi service? And, by the way, the pendant companies can easily set up a dedicated line for their pendants. Next?
3. Again with the $3. And what will you say when it inevitably goes up, when the $3 figure is truly exposed as a pipe dream. Skype can be used, again, at the WPRF facilities. You see, we already have wifi in the Village so why you keep ignoring that fact is beyond me.
4. Really! You think that association members have not been communicating via email, etc. for years already. You gotta get a better line than that. There are so many more ways we must help the associations. This is not one.
5.This is getting to be nonsensical. Again - THERE IS WIFI IN THE VILLAGE. And there will be a more widespread wifi system when we have all the information needed to go ahead with another massive outlay of funds. Amortization, as Dave keep talking about, will require repayment, and whether you spend $1,000,000 in one year or five  -  it is still spent  so let us make sure we spend it productively - unlike the street paving. Buyers also ask about the financial health and well being of the Association and the Village in general. Ring a bell, perhaps?
6.AHA! The light goes on. Yes, there will be more costs and increases, and that is what we have to plan for and saying we are protected does not make it so. How protected were we in the paving contract or any other contract that was screwed up? How protected are the Villagers from administrations who try to pull this crap? Exactly what and how are we protected? Be very specific.
7.NO, NO, NO, NO. That is not how it is done. Good grief, it is fact number one that every word, every capital, comma, punctuation mark of any kind, specific wording - all this makes a difference in a contract. Millions have been lost and won in courtrooms over your so called typos. You guys are truly clueless and perhaps if we still had a lawyer with a working brain, not one on vacation mode, you would be understanding this and be warned about this.
  We have the information we need at present and get the rest as we go on? Have you people totally lost your minds???? Move ahead on a million dollar plus contract in a half informed half assed manner. Put down the Kool Aid you have all been drinking.Where did you learn your economic theory from or I guess you are a supporter of the "oh, well, we can always rob Peter to pay Paul and tell Suzy Q she will have to wait" I guess we can always tell people that Dave Israel and cohorts said we were protected and oops, he was wrong - AGAIN! So when it all goes wrong - again, a la the paving - what then, smarty pants? One NEVER goes ahead without all the information. Ever taken a long walk off a short pier because you didn't know when it ended? C'mon!
8. 1500 out of 7000+? Run the numbers and who saw the results anyway, and don't tell me just Dave and Ed. I would like to see them - in the original forms, no erasures or photocopies. You guys can stop already with the voice of a few. The truth is that people have had their eyes opened and have been told that Dave's threats are meaningless. The vote that was taken at the Assembly was a rout of the budget. Want to pass it as it should be? Then stop with this nonsense. Leave the wifi out right now. Investigate, examine, correct your typos, fools, do the right thing by the Village. Perhaps you think you are related to Ted Cruz who is holding the world hostage. Well, the residents will not stand for this anymore, not here.
9. Apples and oranges. The suits have nothing to do with this issue and there are many, many people who are opposed to your present wifi plans so again, stop the misleading statements, half truths and outright lies, and by the way, the insurance will pay costs, not UCO. And also by the way, the people involved in the suits happen to love the Village and want the best for it.
10. Ah, now we have the historical imperative. You jumped the shark! a PH.D from Harvard perhaps leads you to this conclusion? History has many paths and decisions and finally get this thru your skull. WE ARE NOT OPPOSED TO WIFI, ONLY HOW YOU PRESENT IT AND PLAN ON GOING ABOUT IT. Wifi will come to the entire Village at the right "historical" and financial and informed moment.

See next posting for a listing of just a few of the questions that must be asked and answered about the wifi project before decisions are made.

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