Monday, February 3, 2014

Cold War in Century Village

The Cold War has arrived at Century Village
An Opinion Piece by Stewart Richland
Most residents of our Village are old enough to remember the late 1940’s and can call to mind the headlines appearing in the news papers describing the world wide confrontations between two former allies, the United States and the Soviet Union.  The Cold War was a psychological war, a war of words between two super powers.  In contrast, a hot war, is a shooting war, with Korea and Vietnam as examples. The goal of the old Soviet Union was to expand its control over territories that were vulnerable to its appeal.  The United States adopted a policy of “containment.” This policy was designed to prevent the Soviet expansion where ever its tentacles seemed to be probing.
What we are now experiencing at Century Village are scenarios very similar to what had occurred in the late 40s.  Instead of the national news media reporting and criticizing, we have two blogs.  One that has no restrictions as to who can post a view, and the other that limits its membership to 100 satellite subscribers only.
  This blog can be accessed by anyone with a computer, however, when the content of most of its postings are based on opinion rather than reality, and the managers of this blog refuse to allow any challenging responses,  one wonders which side of the “Iron Curtain” they are residing in.
I have tried to maintain a modicum of objectivity in all these mechanizations, however, when I read a response, that was posted on the restricted blog, about an article I wrote for the Century Village paper, I was unable to respond to the absurd interpretations to my article.  In the world that I function in,  fair play counts  for something  not where nonsense is on parade.
  Radio Free America, was established for the purpose of transmitting to those behind the Iron Curtain, the world news to those trapped in the eastern European zones of Soviet occupation.  Well, here in Century Village we have our own Radio Free Village, it’s the alternate blog that accepted my response without reservation.
Recently the “News Speak” blog, struck again when they reacted to a banner that was placed on the fence opposite the Haverhill exit to the Village.  I am reminded of  an apropos  comment made by Albert Einstein about the fallout to this banner. Einstein said: “Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their brain.”  This was a simple banner announcing the candidacy for UCO president, period.  What was seen was not the message, but the colors used on the banner, and that it was on a fence where a religious place of worship was located.  These people clearly have been shaped by their thoughts and have become what they think. Small minded, bigoted, and intolerant of anything that is not consistent with their “party propaganda line.”  This attack is like a poison that hurts. It is designed to separate people, to distract from the real issues that are at play here in the Village.
For those people on the other side of the “curtain”, they have confused dissent with disloyalty.  They are what we refer to as the “Loyal Opposition.”  Loyalty to those who have served should be respected.  For those of you that remember the Wizard of Oz the leader sits behind the curtain and uses his  lieutenants to do his dirty work in an attempt oust a loyal member of the board.

During the Cold War, the leaders of east and west did meet to attempt to resolve the issues that kept fueling the Cold War.  Twice, during the recent delegate assembly, someone asked if a debate between the candidates for president was in the works.  This query was deftly ignored.  I wonder why?  This is disturbing to me since it has been impossible for one of the candidates to use any Village forum to meet and greet potential voters, but the President does have access to the “Bully Pulpit.”  One of the corner stones of a democratic society, is free and open elections.  Debates are part of the process. Let each candidate present their views, and let the voters decide.  


  1. I have placed comments on this blog and you did not post them. , they were neither vulgar or offensive.. I would say you are the kettle calling the pot black.

    1. Let me get this straight because your statement is as crooked as the long road to Tipperary ! You claim your non-vulgar or offensive posts were not posted BUT your comment about them not being posted is. HMMMM...I think there is a wee bit of fibbing going on here

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. What you express, Stewart, is received and welcomed by me because you can easily relate Century Village to history, but that of which you speak does not relate to Villagers who are hypnotized, or otherwise zombied by the evil aspects of a controller, a dictator, a ruler, a tyrant,----a man/child who embraces absolute power and power absolute.

    This autocrat, the UCO President, sits at the center of a table on stage with spot lights illuminated in his direction. It is a comfort to him because that setting demands respect and importance. He also controls the microphone which puts him on a pedestal and his voice overshadows and drowns out everyone else's. He controls the gavel for his method of shutting you down and the finalization of what he has to say. He controls all of the UCO
    computers and shut off whomever he wishes without recourse

    He has control over everyone who wishes to speak, and the length of time speaking. He has absolute control of all subject matter and how it is to be put forth before an assembly. He controls the UCO taping of meetings and what is altered or "inadvertently" deleted, such as sound. He controls the interpretation of the UCO Bylaws by stating that the UCO attorney sanctioned this or that, and in truth, it never happened. He controls security, but he uses it for himself only.

    He controls his own personal blog, and lies right to your face when he says that it is a Blog for all Century Village residents. He controls all Committees and who is to serve on them. He controls the "Cloud" that contains the whole history of UCO and how it functions, and all up-to-date information, but he refuses you access to it. (Note: And, he has threatened to destroy everything in the cloud should he not be re-elected.) He controls the UCO Reporter in its entirety (Note: Try to get something published that he doesn't like--- you'll find out.)

    He controls the Dorothy Tetro recall and has no conscience whatsoever in regard to changing the UCO Bylaws to suit his trying to "Fix" the outcome.

    His control goes on and on and on. He has an inner need of grandeur to control everything, and if he doesn't get his way, he pouts and shouts, brat style, and says things that only a bully in power would state.

    It has to be stated THAT WHAT HE DOES NOT CONTROL, is what hundreds, if not thousands of Century Village residents are saying, --- that he is a COWARD. He has no balls to step forward and enter into a debate or two so that he can tell everyone what he's all about and his plans for the Village after doing nothing for four years. Don't expect Nero, the ogre, to show up anytime soon.

    He hides behind Lanny Howe, who he uses as his spokesman. Now, Lanny is not known particularly for his story telling accuracies, but be as it may.

    I am sure that the UCO Controller of all sneaky and secret works will pull nother Dan Gladstone dirty rotten trick just before election time.


    1. Nice Eduardo, very nice. You are right on point,. with accurate and insightful factual reporting
