Sunday, February 2, 2014


     I knew you missed me. Here I was, sitting here in the rehab, wishing myself home, when lo and behold! there it was! A posting by my amazing Grace. Well. obviously you are lonely and need to hear me call you friend again, so ok, my friend, want to go get that coffee? we can get a nice one here at the Morse rehab?
    I am sorry to tell you that your thought processes are still not so amazing, dear Grace. Go with the tried and true? For Pete's sake, even people outside of the Village who have picked up on this see where the truth is at. Tried, but certainly not true. Tried, yes, to move money time and time again without being noticed. Too bad, so sad - that didn't work. Tried, yes, to lie about the paving job and even Lanny Howe got into it trying to write an excuse note for David, but I gotta' tell you - walk past the area across from the laundry building and these people are swimming out their doors, not walking. That never was before, but thanks to the tried and not true - we have  a new lake. Name? OH, How about the David Israel Lake with Ed Black side ponds? That might do!
     And how about Anitra in the Reporter, trying to write her excuse note about the WiFi and misinformation that was given out previous to this article? Really now? How dumb do you think people are? Do you think they do not notice all the lies, all the garbage and the excuses? And as for "I am only a renter" - crap! She runs the show there under (dare I say it) the guidance of her mentor, David Israel so what vote is necessary?
     Do you think, my not so amazing Grace, that people do not realize that suddenly, a month before the election, after the abysmal farce of Dorothy's hearing , after hearing all the ideas that others have brought up, after all this, suddenly David Israel has blossomed forth with new ideas and a new beautiful flowering relationship with all of PB government levels? C'mon, no one just fell off the turnip truck! Maybe, you, ok. but not too many others. Only you and the others who are swallowing David Israel's version of the Kool-Aid.
     Does David have a new form of laxatives that help loosen up the logjam in his head? Does he have a new medicine that will help clear the ridiculous Cheshire cat grin from his face as he had on at the hearing where he sat in the balcony and watched his plans shatter to pieces? All his so called sudden ideas, from working with associations to infrastructure, to fiscal year restructuring, to working on the whole Village infrastructure - been there, done that. Do I really have to dredge through all the garbage of his statements and show you how they followed quickly upon our statements? Dear, dear, Gracie, see the light, follow the Grace, and come over to the right side. Only good ness awaits you and on the old side - well, figure that out for yourself, my amazing Grace and by the way, coffee is still waiting and so is more of the writing as soon as I am sprung from my rehab. something for you to look forward to, yes?!!!! And by the way, Lanny, how sad that you use your writing skills to keep trying to bolster up the faulty structure that is David Israel. How sad that you slip in an admission of ok, so there are things wrong, but so what? Yes, all people make mistakes and that is ok as long as there are no immoral reasons behind it, no swelled head egos, no NSA attitudes better left behind. As long as people can admit their mistakes and not repeat them because then they are not mistakes, but purposeful misuses of public trust and funds.Read your articles again and see if you, too, can see the light


  1. Good Post Esther. And I am glad to see that you feeling well enough to talk some trash to Gracie

  2. Lanny Howe is a fool who refuses to accept reality. The malcontents have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt how Dave Israel fooled the residents yet, he refuses to accept it.
    This is a man who puts his head in the sand and fantasizes about what a wonderful world we live in. He's in La La land.
