Tuesday, February 4, 2014


      Sorry, David Israel, your vacation time is over. I may need a few extra legs to lean on, but I am back and ready to march unto the fray once again. So what is all this I am reading about the excuses we now have about all the messes and mistakes you have made during your terms in office? Lanny, your apologist, pleads that it is okay, everyone makes mistakes and he is correct - up to a point. YOU never admitted to making a mistake.

YOU never admitted to doing the whole roads and paving project incorrectly. YOU never admitted to moving funds around and yet there are the vouchers proving it. YOU never admitted to making an error in the Comcast contract. YOU never admit to anything, like how about paying for those armed guards? Or how about the ridiculousness of a recall situation a month before a term is up? What about the waste of time, energy and money in that? I know you got your jollies grinning away in the balcony but I believe your grin was a bit sour at the end of the day.

      Lanny, your apologist, admits that maybe corners were cut in the paving. Maybe supervision wasn't all it could have and should have been. MAYBE???? REALLY!!!!!! Did you ever see a person build a house of $5 million value by putting up the roof first and then hiring a huge set of fans to blow on it and keep it up while the foundation was then dug out and put in place? Obviousy not, so why are we expected to take as a logical excuse and reason that the roads are collapsing and flooding because the sewer lines underneath are rotting from age. Unless you are Con ED and pave and then dig up (joke for NYC people) one knows to fill in the infrastructure first and then build up. THAT WAS NOT DONE HERE! Tell that to the swimmers all over the Village who cannot get out of their homes due to flooding and who did not have that problem before.

     What the hell did we get for out $5 million? Well, we got crappy roads that are collapsing, sewers and grates that do not work, swales that are off, perimeter walks that are cracked, deeply and dangerously, and a near bankruptcy experience that will all take YEARS to fix up. Quite frankly, I am not sure how long this mess clear up will take or how we are to properly finance it. It will take a great deal of research, thought and careful planning. It will take sacrifice on the part of the residents of Century Village as we try to fix your mess ups. does that make you happy?

     David Israel, the cesspools have all been opened up and the reek is leading straight back to you. You had your minion call me a piece of shit as well as other lovely names - well, this shit is coming to hit the proverbial fan and you are right in the path!

Man up, admit that you can and have made mistakes. I fully expect to make some errors and will own up, but trust me - never will they be in your neighborhood.I guess you won't care as I guess you will be busy in your gondola with your private gondolier rowing you to a WPRF pool so that you can use your WiFi there. Enjoy!