Saturday, January 11, 2014


     So Grace disagrees with a posting on the blog and bets that her disagreement, misguided as it is, would not be allowed on this blog. Wrong, oh so wrong, my not so amazing Grace. It is definitely posted and allowed as you did not use abusive language nor spout words of prejudice and Hallelujah for that! It is just too bad that you are so blind that you cannot see what is right in front of you.

   In fact, it is amazing, Grace, that you can say there is transparency in David Israel's administration. Let's see..... Aha! Got it! $80,000 disappearing from two reserve fund accounts overnight and no delegate assembly permission, which is required by our bylaws. Oops! And while on the topic, how about the rest of the money that was raped from the other accounts and transferred to the roads account - again, without approval. All this kept secret. Wow - such transparency, it is amazing!

     Want more/ Ok. How about David Israel not going public with his DECLARED in private intention to never debate me? Why is he so afraid to go public with the issues? Where is the transparency in that? What about the lack of transparency when David Israel took a UCO charge card that had supposedly gone missing and then used it to pay for armed guards for the assembly, going for intimidation of the delegates. Such transparency, trust and openness that I am so underwhelmed! Again, amazing, Grace.

     But still, you do not see. You do not see the anger and shouting, the threats and intimidation, the lack of a unified UCO. Why is it that so many of the current administration do not support David Israel? Says something, doesn't it?

     Where is the transparency when David Israel spreads his sneaky little rumors and insinuations and uses his mini-David Israels to further them along. Such transparency there! We do not use rumors and innuendos. We come right out and state whatever we wish to say - our platform, our hopes and dreams for the Village and our lack of interest in building up more power and control for the President, unlike David Israel.

And as far as experience in UCO, what with all the backroom dealing that has gone on and the backbiting, I am glad I can come in with a clean slate and that, along with my many, many years of administrative experience, far more than David Israel ever had, will serve me and the Village well in a new and fresh start. At least we will finally get something done and no one will ever have to say about the administration (as they do about this one) that nothing ever gets done!

     So now what do you have to say, Grace? Amazing how the truth will win out in the end. People are simply not buying his garbage any longer and it is time for you and your little buddies to see the light! Why don't you arrange a meeting with me and your little friends and have a chat? Hey, you can even bring along your buddy who is evidently too afraid to come out on his own. Now THAT would be amazing!

     PS - Know what else would be amazing? Unbanning all the people that David Israel has banned from his blog so that perhaps a discourse might even ensue. Wow! Now on that happening I am willing to take bets.



  1. Esther, with your name calling and nastiness, I would not vote for you for dog catcher. What have you done for the Village? Nada! Now print this!

  2. Grace - I see it was printed. I have a question Grace - what have YOU done for the Village?

  3. Well, she has yelled and heckled at the assembly, been rude on her blog as well as on this blog and where in my posting was there any name calling? Eyes they have but do not see and as I have stated many times before please do not elect me dogcatcher as I have no clue as to what to do nor am I a fan of dogs! And look at that - you were allowed to post. Unlike David Israel's blog. You lose the bet again! Now maybe you can grow up and have an adult conversation and adult behavior at the assembly. Wouldn't that be amazing!

  4. Grace, how is it that you can fault Esther for name calling, nastiness, etc? Have you ever taken a minute to notice the nastiness of your idol Dave at every single delegate meeting? Have you even noticed his name calling on his blog? How do you find it ok for him to do, and yet not for someone else to do? What's good for the goose is good for the gander in my opinion, and anything unflattering that Dave might have been called he well deserved.

  5. Dog Catcher ???? Thats hilarious Grace ! Thankfully there is no election for Village Idiot cause you would have lots of competition amongst your cronies! Keep your crown it suits you !
    Oh and by the way no need to demand your posts be printed as you can see they are and they are also proof of just how baseless your position is!

  6. Grace, Allow me to tell you what Esther HAS done for the village that not one person out of more than fifteen thousand people have NOT DONE:

    If you don't think that that takes BALLS, You had better take a lesson from the straw man and get a brain.

    Case closed.

  7. Besides, it is not what I have done for the Village, but rather what I WILL do for the Village and that is certainly a hell of a lot more than David Israel has done unless you call getting nothing done except for fund fudging an achievement! I don't . Nor do lots of other people. And thank you, Olga. Maybe I should remind people that when I was banned from the blog and first opened my campaign , I received an email from David Israel threatening to sue me. Yup! Got that in hard copy too. He dishes it out but cannot take it.

  8. Is this person, Grace , for real? She comes out with statements that 10 year old out-of-control brats would blurt out.
    This woman makes no sense at all, in that she is 100% negative and she can't back up a single thing that she says. Nothing!
    So this brat likes to throw spitballs. Does she spit also?
    The question to this diarrhea mouth woman is-----what has Israel done for CV in the four years of his governance? Doo-doo will just spew out from her mouth because she can't answer that question.
    She's really got to hate herself when she's on the potty because it's coming out the wrong end. EDUARDO

  9. Grace - still waiting for an answer to my question.
    What have YOU done for CV?? And, I notice that your post is still visible.

  10. You're wasting your time trying to put some logic into the noggin of this Grace woman. She has cotton batting stuffed tightly in between her ears, and when she goes to bed, she quotes the Israel prayer, -- starting with: Our King, Which Art In UCO, Hallowed Be Israel's Name,,,,,,
    Here is a woman who has an awful lot to say, but it's like reading Loony Tunes.
    A man at the Delegates' Meeting, about 85 or 90 years old , said out loud,--"This woman really needs to get laid."
    So, people, don't fret,....she has to look in to the cracked mirror every day,---isn't that bad enough? EDUARDO
