Tuesday, February 18, 2014


     So here we are, a week away from the Forum and still we are waiting for some substance from the David Israel campaign. All we hear is that we are liars and disruptive (he does like that word a lot!), malcontents who like nothing better than to accuse him and his camp of nefarious deeds. Well, that is not quite right, is it, David Israel?

     What we would love to do is get to the business of business - the running of UCO according to all its bylaws, old and the upcoming new ones (which will never happen under your realm), try to straighten our finances so that sometime in a realistic timeframe we will be able to redo the streets and walkways before they totally crumble away, and prepare ourselves and the Village for a future that is rapidly changing. What we want to do is take out the extraneous and dangerous non elected officials who seem to have been appointed by you to have power over our Treasury and who have even been given one of the biggest offices in UCO headquarters. Yes, you got it! Ed Black! Why does he have an office? Why does he have sayso over money, our money? Why does he have official meetings with residents as if he were a VP of a quadrant?

      What we want, David Israel, is to have a tranquil Village, a well run and sparkling Village, where the hard work of people can stand out and not be hidden under the pall of misdeeds and misdoings. Where a topic is raised, discussed, decisions are made, process is followed, and something gets done. That is what we want and all we have heard from you is nothing except for scurrilous descriptions of ourselves, some even borrowed from Communist China. Hmmm...what did you do again in the NSA?

     What we want, David Israel, is an affirmation from you over the safe handling of our records, of our info in the cloud, your promise to hand it over intact, accessible and with password. No playing dumb like Oh, my goodness, what could have happened? And by the way, where are all the Reporter copies for all those missing years? Even your proposed VP stated that she had handed them over to you.

     What we want, David Israel, are answers, the truth, and for you to own up to ALL that has taken place under your administration. Holding my breath.........

Tick tock....tick tock.......


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