Thursday, February 19, 2015

Absent Candidates


 I cannot allow myself in good conscience to vote for any candidate who did not participate in the forum presented by the Messenger Club. The forum was open to all candidates and was an opportunity to meet them in person, listen to their views, and ask them questions. The candidates who refused to participate do not deserve to be elected to any UCO Office.

 Below is a list of the candidates who refused to attend:

 Candidates for Vice President

Ed Black

Fausto Fabbro

Barbara Cornish

Marcia Ziccardy

Candidates for Executive Board

Myron Silverman

John Hess

Michael Rayber

Suzie Byrnes

Abe Malawski

George Pittell

Jackie Karlan


 Note: Candidates who wanted to attend, or were not properly notified or informed us of a reasonable excuse for not attending, were not added to the above list.


  1. I also think that all that could should have attended. David has no right nor control over people here,; his powers are strictly in his head and in the heads and minds of his followers, slavish as they are to his every word and command. It is a recognized aspect of campaigning, that people, candidates, debate so why not here and why not just show up and speak for a bit about what one sees for the Village. Those who do not have a good reason - well, there are others awaiting.

    1. I wanted the residents to know the names of the people who did not attend. David did not sanction the forum and let HIS people know they should not come - although a few did.
      The forum was well received and appreciated by the many delegates in attendance, therefore, I believe it's time for a bylaw change to make a UCO candidate forum a requirement in all future elections.

  2. I totally agree but when incompetents are at the head and know they will lose at forums, the way they choose is to ban them or ignore them.

  3. according this, we should not vote for anyone running for vice president? Hmmm... Did all of YOUR people show up? Your VP choice didn't... what about the rest?
    Just because YOU want them to come to YOUR function doesn't mean they should. Next time invite Hillary or Jeb and see if they show... same thing.

  4. Bob Unfortunately missed the point. The forum was held because David did not hold one and the Messenger Club simply wanted the residents to meet the candidates and ask them questions in order to make a smarter choices when they voted.
    Was this so bad?
    The ones that were notified and did not show were not considered to be worthy of a vote for whatever reason they choose not to come.

    End of story.......

    1. there were many meetings/functions in the past that you did not attend, so with your logic, you are not worthy of getting elected either. I recall and everyone has been reminded of your rants at the DA when you were clearly told by the DA that your comments were wanted and you kept on rambling until Security took the microphone away and you stood there like a four year old that didn't get her lollipop. I actually watched to see if you would lay down and start kicking and scream even louder.
      Your choices for VP not particularly the best we can do. Not by a long shot.
      (Oh, I better watch what I say, I may get the baseball bat)...
      keep wishin'.

    2. You got to be kidding Bob. You contention is that there were a lot of meetings held for the Candidates? Not so, at least not true as far as Esther and Olga are concerned. They were not invited, or there were not meet and greet meetings for the candiddates.This is typical. Some Viable Candiddates were to threatening to the Great One to be included. You better watch your tongue of the Great Eliminatot will get you.

  5. Bob, There were many meetings that I did attend and did not see you there.
    I do not expect you to vote for me simply because you are one of David Israel's AK'S. For awhile you were beginning to behave like a semi-human being but I can see from your comments that you have decided to go back to the gutter and post your inane lies and stupidity.
    It's so sad. I feel sorry for you.
