Friday, April 4, 2014

Goose and the Gander

What is good for the Goose is not, no way, good for Gander.

At the last Delegate meeting OLga nominated Dorothy Tetro, David admonish her that Dorothy had to be present and since she wasn't he could not accept her nomination. Now here we are at todays Delegate meeting. Dominick G is nominated for VP. He is not present. So what does the Little Man do?  He accepts the nomination.

So what is good for the Goose is NOT good for the Gander unless El Duce says so.

Fair is fair. Right is Right, just is just?

OK how about copying 394 pages up into the cloud. refusing to let anyone see the originals of the election paper work. and announcing that you are welcome to examine the paperwork - all 394 pages--heh-heh. Where does it say that this is fair, just or right?. If I ask for the paper work, under Daves sunshine initiative, I should get the originals. Dave is so slippery that I can only trust the originals.

But of course El Duce, the little man, has his own rules. Made up as we go!


  1. DBPR should be notified.
    Consistently violating bylaws is totally unacceptable.

  2. Thank you for bringing this up. I want to add, as I was returning from the microphone reminding David Israel that Dominic should be present to accept the nomination, Lenore Velcroff said to me, " WHY DON"T YOU SHUT UP". Sorry Folks, but my New York upbringing got the best of me. I replied, WHY DON"T YOU GO F----YOURSELF?
    Truth be told, I would have preferred to give her a good swift kick in the a-s, but I'm too smart for that.
    It seems this Lenore is another one of David Israel's puppets who believes that freedom of speech does not belong in Century Village.
    Shame, Shame on you, Lenore. Have you forgotten you live in the Good ole USA?

    1. Congratulations Ms Olga! Lenore Velcoff. deserved exactly what you replied to her unruly remark. I have seen this woman operate at the Wellington Federation and she is one of the most vile, arrogant people I have come across in a long time.

    2. Yea, and the Reporter prints those stupid book reviews of hers.
