Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It time for a little awareness on the subject of race.

Once upon a time a comedian like Don Rickles would call an Italian a grease ball, an Irishman a drunk, a Puerto Rican, a spic a Jew a kike an Arab a towel head a German a kraut, an Asian a chink an African American a n-----r ( I have trouble saying that word) a Frenchman, a cheapskate and we all laughed.  Now in this politically-correct society we say it is offensive to use these terms. Let’s think about it for a moment. Are you really a racist if you use these terms? Or are you using the only description you know to describe a particular person in the simplest way possible.  Let’s face it. When Italians came to this country, they had greasy hair and cooked with a lot of olive oils – hence – Greaseball. The Irish started drinking on the boat before they even arrived – hence drunk. The Puerto Ricans – I don’t know that one.  When the Jews came to Ellis Island, they signed legal documents with an “O” instead of an “X” – you know the Jew, he is going to do what he wants, not what you want.  Hence, “Kike,” from Kikel   (Yiddish for circle). A little circle is a kikeleh (pronounced Ky-kul-uh) – say it – it’s cute. For the Arab, it’s an easy one. He wears a towel on his head. Therefore, he is a towel head. The German loves his sauerkraut – that one is obvious.  The Asian has slanted eyes, so we call him a chink. For the African American, we use the infamous “N” word. – have you noticed, I still can’t say it. 

And now, for that famous Frenchman we call “CHEAPSKATE." - You figure it out.  


  1. Months ago, I was unhappy with David Israel's leadership and came to this blog looking for an alternative. For a while I thiught I was on the right rak, but slowly I realized thaat this may not be a beter alternative. This essay confirms that. It is hateful, racist, totally without merit. It saddens me that the present alternative to DI is more hate, more prejudice and, therefore, more of the clique mentallity that is harmful whether it be among middle school students or socalled adults. MJ Gorges

    1. It is unfortunate that you were unable to see through the anger of this blog and appreciate the honesty of it's contents. This blog answers the lies, false accusations and misinformation on David's blog. Many of the residents in this village are apathetic and need strong words to wake them up - including yourself. You felt this blog was on the right track but never said anything. It was not until you read my harsh language that you responded. If people such as you would let us know how much you appreciate what we are doing, maybe we would not have to resort to "Powerful essays".
