Wednesday, May 7, 2014

La Concha is the name of a Hotel in Key West Florida, which means, THE CONCH.   Concha is also the Spanish  name of  the most  private  part of the female anatomy  -  the  English  translation of concha is  commonly used when you are angry with a woman.   This was the case when Joy Vestal, co-editor of the UCO Reporter refused to print the speech I made at the last delegate assembly titled, The Facts behind the five million dollar lawsuit against David Israel and UCO.  The information in this speech was  important to all the residents, yet Joy Vestal refused to print it solely because she happens to be biased against anyone who disagrees with David Israel.   I felt that her refusal was unwarranted and became "angry." My only recourse, - which came to me so natural - was to call her a fornicating concha – except; I used the slang word for fornicating and the English word for Concha. I also told her there would be dire consequences if she continued to discriminate against me.  Naturally, she had to threaten to throw me out - I was leaving anyway and told her, she couldn't because I live here.
This morning I came home to a police car parked in the walkway of my building. As I approached it to inquire if I could help, the Officer asked me if I was Olga Wolkenstein. I said yes. He then asked, “what happened with Joy vestal." I said, “I called her a fucking cunt”.   The Officer held back a smile, and asked, “what did you mean by dire consequences”? I said, “I would sue her."
All is well, and my friends do not have to bail me out of the hoosegow since I did not commit any crime.   However, Joy vestal should take a serious history lesson to learn that free speech is not a criminal offense,
So there, when you get angry at a woman and want to let out some steam, feel free to call her a  fornicating concha.  It feels good, and you don’t  have to  go to jail.

1 comment:

  1. I heard some people call Joy a bitch but I like your words better.
