Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Lawsuit aims at The Little man.

Malcontents are soliciting your money to fund a law suit against UCO and the UCO President. D.Israel

The little man has been saying and preaching this from the beginning. The fact of the matter is the lawsuit is aimed at UCO, specifically D.Israel and the UCO officers. 

No the lawsuit does not target the Village, it targets the officers who are running UCO as well as the President. Yes we are all members of UCO, but the running of UCO, the decisions of UCO are made by the officers of UCO, specifically the President. The residents don't really have a voice, the delegates do, but not the village itself.

Does it make sense that the opposition is blocked out of holding any Public meetings, not by the residents of the Village, but by UCO and  the president.

The opposition, specifically Ed Grossman was promised acceptance of a 200 word essay in the reporter. When it was submitted, Joy Vestal, the editor said she could not publish it and she never made the promise. Obviously the withdrawal was ordered by the little man, not by the residents.

Do you think the actions of UCO are actually promulgated by the Village? Is the Village residents responsible for all the actions of UCO, legal and illegal? Are we, the residents, truly part and parcel of the decisions of UCO?

Do you, the residents, really want to be held responsible for the decisions made by D Israel? Really, do you?


1 comment:

  1. As head of UCO, David Israel is responsible for the debacle of the roads and for any other poorly thought out decisions made during his tenure. Though he may try to deny it, the buck stops there. One cannot have all glory and no responsibilities. There should be no glory, just the serious responsibilities owed to the residents.
    But in any case, the responsibility rests on his shoulders.
    As far as the paper is concerned, Joy told me if I wrote an article on one day's notice, about the elections I would be able to get a monthly column. HA! Guess where that promise went - straight down the toilet with a denial of that oral promise. There is no democracy in this Village. There is tyranny and oppression, suppression of our rights. We pay the levies but get no rights. Hmmm. sound familiar (try 1776).
