Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Misdirection at the Head

See below. This is a part of the Great Misdirector's doing what he does best. Misdirecting, obfuscating and generally confusing the facts with non-facts or outright lying.

In this case he says the Lawsuit, which names David Israel as a defendant, does not have a Attorney. The lawsuit does not even have a non-license attorney.

Not True. In another one of his Misdirections he has forgotten, or overlooked Attorney Peter Feaman who is the Representative of the numerous Property owners in Century Village WPB. He is the Attorney making these demands on you David Israel.

Remember, David Israel is a Client, who has himself as his lawyer, he has a Fool for a client.

The question that should be asked is who is the Primary Attorney for David Israel, Esq? Who is representing the Great Misdirector in this lawsuit. I will tell you who.. Mr. David Israel himself.  Unlicensed, unregistered, and stupidly unafraid.

Big trouble is coming. My advice to David Israel is to Govern himself accordingly.


  1. i am far from any type of a lawyer, but i believe that Mr Feaman acting as an "agent"
    for a corporation, is basically the same as when one does work in a different state and must register as a foreign corporation. the job of the "agent" is to collect and submit information to the parent corporation. they would have no authority to act on its' own. i could be wrong, but in my opinion this is what it would entail.

    1. No question you are far from a Attorney. You are as close as you can get to being a Bumpkin, but not a lawyer

    2. No question you are far from a Attorney. You are as close as you can get to being a Bumpkin, but not a lawyer

  2. Unbelieveable. First we hear from the most notorious non-attorney. Now we hear from a confessed non-lawyer pointing a crooked finger at Feaman, who is, as far as I can see, one of the only real lawyers on the landscape.
