Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Grace; Gracie;Dear Grace; Nasty Dear Grace

There is no way you can be allowd on my Village Blogger and me being banned by Israel's very private blog.


  1. Good for you, Gary. She keeps sending inane or nasty remarks anyway so good riddance.

  2. As George Burns used to say," GOODNIGHT GRACIE".

  3. I find it quite comical, very silly, and downright stupid for Dave to call his blog OUR Village. Who is OUR??? We used to have a website that belonged to the village, and everyone who was a resident was allowed to post on it, unless they refused to follow the very few, simple rules. Even then, they were given 3 separate warnings before they were ever banned from posting. This thing that the self proclaimed magnificent one OWNS, is nothing more than a joke and a slap in the face to all residents of this village. I doubt Mr. Levy would condone this exclusion of people who have done nothing other than disagree with the person (I won't use the word 'man', because it doesn't fit) who is working tirelessly to try to be the controller of this village and all of the people who live in it. I sincerely do not believe that this was the dream Mr. Levy, or any of us who have been here a lot longer than D.I. had for this village.

  4. Grace is be the dumbest person on earth and as much a liar as her lover David Israel. She once wrote on his blog that SHE was at a meeting with the paving contractor and was told to do the job right they must dig up the old paving. She goes on to blame the delegates for the lousy paving because they voted to do the job cheap. She says the delegates voted to approve the road paving knowing full well that the cracks would come back.
    I have been a delegate for 10 years and attended all the meeting and never voted to pave the roads knowing the cracks would come back. Let's assume for a moment Grace's stupid statement is true. This means that David Israel asked the delegates to approve the road paving knowing full well that cracks would begin to appear and the job would be a failure. No matter how you slice it, David Israel is fully responsible for the failure of the road paving.

  5. Yes, let's assume that Gracie is telling the truth. This means that at a Delegate Assembly, David Israel gave the delegates a choice to vote "YES" for the paving and the cracks would return or vote "NO" for the paving. Or else David asked the Delegates to vote "Yea or Nay" WITHOUT telling them the contractor could not guarantee the job and the cracks would return. . Did David really gave them one of these choices?
    I think you fell in the shit this time Gracie.

  6. The only portion of the paving job that was voted on was the "second phase" and that was done only after much pressure had been applied to the person(s) responsible for the first phase.

    1. The first phase was a contract signed by David Israel only, therefore , the delegates only voted for the second half. I attended that meeting and was never informed if I voted yes, the cracks would come back.

  7. More proof that Dear Gracie is from a planet far far away.
