Saturday, April 18, 2015

Uninformed Peter Cruise - As usual

WHAT THE …... ?
            Read the following posting pasted  from David Israels blog. PICRUISE is a pseudonym for Peter Cruz an avid David Israel supporter.
Plcruise said...Hi Lanny.
The only confused ones are the dopes who listened to Grossman and company at the clubhouse yesterday. They must have tricked the IG and poor retired Jess into thinking that this was a real CV meeting, not a devious small group that do things like cause riots at clubhouse concerts and scream obscenities at security guards.
April 16, 2015 at 9:37 PM

Gary replied:
No facts present  in the above post. Peter Cruise is like a rabble-rouser. He will say anything hoping to get published and responded to. He is a Joke. BTW the offending post has been removed the more intelligent of the powers.

What I just found out is the Peter Cruise is one of the Landlords that are hurting our Condo's. He own 4 units. So he has a moneyed vested interest here. - Your Editor
            This post is full of mistruths and insulting comments. I thought it may be a good idea to distribute this nonsense to allow everyone to see for themselves the mentality that the Messenger Club and the residents of Century Village must endure .

            First and foremost I take exception to the statement that the 200 plus people who attended the meeting are dopes.

            Does Mr Cruise actually think that the Messenger Club actually tricked the IG ? Did he check with the IGs office to find out if he attended under some kind of misconception perpetrated by the fools he speaks of ? I think not !

            Mr Santamaria is neither poor or retired, he is actually a multi millionaire active in politics who operates  very successful businesses. Your attempt to discredit him is reprehensible.

            What constitutes “ a real CV meeting “ ? I assume to your way of thinking Mr Cruise, that a real CV meeting would be one that is approved and sanctioned by UCO (David Israel). We beg to differ.
            A devious small group ? Could you please clarify just what you mean by devious? Our activities are open for all to see.

By devious do you mean: refusal to conduct affairs in the open? Or do you mean we consistently muzzle opponents with threats and intimidation? Or perhaps we get rid of people or obstruct them when they don't conform to our way of thinking? Or refuse to allow inspections of any information  we possess ? You can't mean that we practice censorship in our publications, or use pseudonyms to conceal our identities. I don't think we do any of that . If you have any information to the contrary we would be more than happy to see it.

             Please enlighten us as to the facts behind your allegation of devious.

            A small group ? Small is a relative term and just because you are in the minority doesn't make your position any less valid.

            In your closing statement you just went from the sublime to the ridiculous. Trying to put the blame on the Messenger Club for the altercation that took place the other night in the clubhouse is a pathetic and misguided attempt to smear The Messenger Club  bereft of any basis in fact.

            I challenge you to back up your ridiculous accusations with the truth.

            I think an apology for insulting the 200 plus people who attended our meeting is in order.

             I would demand a retraction, but I believe that the people of Century Village are intelligent enough to know delusional  ravings when they see them.

            In closing I would like to offer you the opportunity to confirm your position in an open and public forum. I am sure The Messenger Club would be more than happy to give you the chance to promote your views at our next meeting. We believe that everyone should have the right to speak. We can promise that we will not allow personal attacks or threaten to call 911 if you say something we don't agree with. I can't wait for your reply.
                                                                        Neil J Moore



  1. Peter Cruz is a nothing. Besides being a coward he is a Liar. Neil you will not see him at any public meetng opening his big mouth.

  2. I too, would like to MEET with this "Well Informed" individual, who has commented
    on every possible topic in existance in "Our Village"( David Israel's Our Village)
    As for the incident in the Theatre, last Saturday evening, it had absolutely NOTHING TO DO, with ANY GROUP...but one female, who got carried away with the music,stood up blocking the view of the female behind her,esculating into
    a disturbance, requiring the intervention of our usher's & Security..with several patrons either leaving or selecting other seats, of which there were several...
    I happened to be seated in the same section, in front & to the left, The individuals involved have been suspended So PLCruise or Peter Cruz, whom ever you are,
    Get YOUR FACTS Straight...

  3. Please remember, Peter Cruise is a greedy landlord who owns 4 apartments in the village and has a vested interested to make sure his big bucks keep rolling in.

  4. The Bozo of Sheffield out to stick to his profession of being a clown. What do you expect from someone with zero intellect.

  5. Prcruise Why don't you show if you have a backbone and take the offer, made to you from the CV Messenger Club.

  6. The post by PLCRUZ is still on David Israels blog. I saw it this morning. I guess that Mr Israel has no objections. No surprise there !

  7. Plcruise You didn't take the CV Messenger Club offer. Now the 200 plus people at the Town Hall Meeting on Thursday April 19th, know you have no backbone. Now you're hiding behind your CLOWN mask. So who's the real dope in the village. Send in the CLOWN.
