Friday, September 4, 2015

The Final Solution revisited


David Israel with the assistance of Rod Tennyson has ordered the final solution.  By refusing to allow the delegates to decide bylaw changes, they have put us under a dictatorship in which the next step is annihilation.  We no more have the right to use our bylaws to determine our fate.  We cannot use our bylaws to protect us - we are no longer a Democracy; we are sheep heading to the slaughterhouse.  Since we do not have the right to use the law to determine our fate, we must use whatever means available.

The time has come to take back our village – to use the right to bear arms - to fight against tyranny.

For those of you, who do not understand the phrase “THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS," it is a defensive term used to protect oneself against tyranny. It does not mean you must go out and buy a gun.  It means when living in a government with absolute power – a tyranny, you have the right to defend yourself, and fight back.  You may use words, swords, knives, brooms, propaganda, peashooters - yes, even guns. The WORD (ARMS) does not specifically mean guns it does not mean it in the Constitution of the United States nor does it mean it in my article.  It is also   used as a metaphor, as a way of telling people, it is time to take a stand and fight back.

I deleted the phrase from my article because some people erroneously mistook it to suggest you go out and immediately arm yourself with a gun.

For the sake of freedom of speech and expression, I decided to repeat it as I originally wrote it.

Che Sera Sera

A note to the individual who contacted the PBSO to visit me at my home, I want you to know that you have only compounded the animosity between the political factions in the village when you falsely suggested I might be hiding an arsenal of firepower. You have added many more enemies to the list of David Israel and his supporters. For that, I thank you.


  1. The delegates are wimps, they do not have the courage to fight back.
    I was on the fence for a long time but now I am standing on your side.

  2. We wish more people were like you. If you don't stand up for yourself, nobody will. On Friday at the Delegate Meeting, you saw the delegates who didn't stand up for themselves and for what was right for the village. What was going to happen to Delegates if they did, STAND UP & BE COUNTED.

  3. The delegates showed at the meeting, that they have no BACKBONE.
