Monday, October 12, 2015


The CV Messenger Club, the only ACTIVIST GROUP in the village was instrumental in getting WPRF to reverse the rule change, which gave UCO authority to intervene in the rental renewal process of Associations. Associations will now revert to the old rules  which allow them to use their own form to  renew a lease.




  1. I was asked how was it that UCO interfered with associations if they required a renter to go to UCO to fill out their form. The answer is simple. The ID office would not issue a lease renewal unless the renter went to UCO first and filled out their form. This rule preceded the authority of the association. This was the reason we fought so hard to ban this change.

  2. CONGATULATION OLGA. It is great to see that there is someone watching over our CV resident’s .
    Since when does a person namely ED BLACK (who is not an elected person by the people be making changes to any of our application, rules and regulation.)
    Kudos to you and the Activist group for seeing this problem and bringing it forward to WPRF and Eva Rachesky’s attention to work it out and bring it back to its original ways.
    At the last Delegate Assembly meeting in October 2015, listen carefully to our President David Israel. If it is not his way then forget about it. Roberts Rules mean nothing to him. “It is do as I say and not as I do” or “It’s his way or the highway.”

    People of CV, Think carefully Elections are creeping up on us. March is just around the corner.

    People it is now time for a change. We need a change in our administration.
    We need TERM LIMITS.
    Thank you again to Olga and the Activist Group.

  3. A few months ago, you were up in arms over UCO not being involved in the Sheffield O mess. Now, you don't want them involved. Which is it?

  4. If you tell me the correlation between Sheffield O and the rental rule, I will be happy to answer your question.

  5. ALICE IN WONDERLAND: We need more people like you, to fight for their RIGHTS. How do you spend money FOOLISHLY, when no increase in SOCIAL SECURITY, no increase BANK SAVINGS ACOUNTS RATES. PEOPLE, you got to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. We can't do it, WITHOUT YOUR HELP.!

  6. The correlation is that you wanted UCO to take a proactive role in the people who were moving here and getting ID cards. Seems to me that they are trying to do just that.

    1. Dear Anonymous, In answer to your question, UCO was warned about Sheffield O three years ago. They did nothing. If they really cared about the problem all they had to do was quietly approach WPRF to find out who was getting ID passes in that building. They did nothing. We are aware that UCO cannot interfere in the business of any association.. But, when Mr. Kelly threatened to take over the building and evict all the remaining tenants, The Messenger Club stepped in and brought the problem to the attention of all the residents. if Mr. Kelly succeeded, it would have affected the whole village. and this would have been a problem for UCO. I hope this answers your question.

    2. the messenger club stopped uco from interfering with rentals.
      that is the bottom line.
