Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Israel's hurtful atitude

Thinking about David Israel and his attitude, specifically his attitude about what he can do and what he can get away with.

So now I am talking about his attitude concerning his over-riding the will of the Delegate Assembly. We say no and he says Yes. We, the Delegate Assembly say no to his Broadband effort, but he goes on anyway. He wants a Village-wide Broadband even though we have a perfectly good plan for Broadband and it will save us lots of money.

If you listen to him you will hear him knock the Association Broadband says that it cannot work, it is. They, the contractor, will not support this, they are.

His attitude is that he wants to install his idea of a Broadband system that will make him famous. He wants this to be his legacy. Forget the cost to the village. Forget the Village needs.

I don't think he should be allowed to get away with this.


  1. Do you forget the way the village works, Gary. The delegates have the final say. Stopo complaining.

  2. Hey Gracie, You are absolutely right. The residents have the final say and they voted twice against Wi-Fi. So please, get that little pea brain of yours in order and stop trying to prove to the world what an idiot your are.

  3. I might as well add my 2 cents here. Yes Grace you are correct. That is the way it is supposed to work, but your Lord and master has other ideas.

  4. Eat your heart out Gracie, My building has Wi-Fi and Each unit pays $6.25. If your master can beat that price for Wi-Fi, by all means let it happen.
