Friday, June 30, 2017

Bits and Pieces

So first off let's talk about the new deal we have with Atlantic Broadband, As you should be aware the Contract was signed amid some fanfare but it appears as if nobody read it. I see that there were discussions about what happens if Atlantic does not meet its contractual obligations. In other words, there is nothing in the written contract that says Atlantic must pick up the additional cost for being late. So is this an oversite or is it a lie? Either way, we, CV, suffer. Sad.

Secondly, UCO (read D.Israel) has decided to rent space to Atlantic, so they could run their business. The rent is $1.00, I repeat the rent is $1.00

Thirdly, there is no Penalty for not performing as promised, when promised.

All of these were discussed and questioned and answered in the affirmative at the DA meeting, more than once! But the Contract does not reflect it. SO, it is not part of the package.

To get more info check out the Messenger club blog.

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