Friday, September 6, 2013

The Answer!

Our democratic way is not broken.

Answer to Lanny Howe:

I can appreciate everything that you have to say, after all, you have an opinion, and you must be heard otherwise our democratic way will be broken. Alright, let’s agree about one thing, -- you’re an Israel and a Black supporter, a loyal supporter, as a matter of fact. And, I don’t mean a jock-strap (I’m kidding, I’m kidding with you).

I would strongly suggest that you have another look at SCANDALS, Parts 7 and 7A. Is there anything in either of these articles that is not true? Everything has been researched. Can you make the statement that the truth has been stretched? It is stated in plain old unadulterated King’s English so that no one can spew "What did he say?".

You say that you are "NOT" focusing on the "FAIRNESS or UNFAIRNESS" of pulling money from the different funds. Well, then, you are missing the entire point. Do some research and you will find that what Israel and Black did was a blatantly criminal act according to professionals who know the definitions of unauthorized use of corporation funds. What they did was totally secret. Nobody knew what they were doing with your money and mine, and everybody else’s. Nobody approved the shifting or the manipulation of monies. If this was WPB or PB County money, the Attorney General would have been all over it and the con game authors would be heading for the hoosegow or, at the very least, not preparing to run again for office.

Israel and Black were so worried that all of this secret manipulation of money could surface, and they wouldn’t be able to answer questions about paying lots of bills, that they decided instead to borrow money via a line of credit, and that was another matter that fell flat because it was another con.

Alright, let’s talk about the UCO Reporter. All of the money the Reporter gets is earned ad revenue; no money comes out of any unit owner’s pocket there is no assessment. Nobody has a right to put their hands in your pockets, -- don’t you agree? That’s what Israel and Black did. Without anyone’s permission they took the Reporter money to satisfy the scheme they had going. Surely you must agree, -- it is unethical to do that, to say the very least.

Now, you want to know how Dorothy Tetro was able to pull it all together after all principles of money management were violated. It is complex, very complex, When Dorothy took over, there was a mere $21,000 in the Reserve Funds. The UCO accountant stated that to meet expenses, there should be two months of funds available in each operating account as a safety net. Dorothy had no choice but to bring these accounts down to one month’s of available funds She, no doubt, relied heavily on a large chunk of money that Seacrest Services had received from the Associations and was forwarding to UCO on a quarterly basis.

If Israel and Black were left alone to delve into all of the remaining operating accounts no bills would have been paid, and your Paradise would have been broke. . . like BANKRUPT!!

I have to chuckle as to your last paragraph regarding the Reporter. I think that you’re joshing me. . . you wrote that with tongue in cheek. Israel IS the Reporter. He controls everything there is with respect to its’ functioning and existence. Myron and Joy were compelled t conform or they’re out. Look what happened to Jean Dowling when she tried to deliver the truth to everybody. Israel threw her out! What you don’t know is what is going on after UCO working hours. When he talks to you, he paints a very rosy picture, but beware because this Secret Agent Man is probably doing something else that will blow your mind.

You ask some pretty good questions and to fully respond is difficult because there is just so much you can put onto this Blog. You also bring up some good points and you deserve factual responses. But, I don’t want to say that you’re naïve as much as to say that you seem to be somewhat out of touch with the facts that are out there. When facts are put right in front of your face, there is no real need for sarcasm, such as your statement – "Did she (Dorothy Tetro) wave some magic wand?"

For your information, and that of the people you praise, -- DOROTHY TETRO WORKED DAY AND NIGHT TO STRAIGHTEN OUT ALL OF THE MISHANDLING AND MANIPULATION OF UCO MONIES THAT WERE UNDER THE CONTROL OF BLACK. You would be much better served if you kissed her ring finger rather that insult or otherwise criticize her.


Lanny Howe’s original comments can be found at the end of SCANDALS, Part 7 under COMMENTS.



  1. What a horror story. The people leave these gangsters in office. I don't get it, not at all. In order to do what they did, was the UCO lawyer consulted? I'm beginning to wonder what else these guys did with our money.

  2. Thank you, Eduardo. I have said what I wanted to say and have nothing to add except that my comment about "waving a magic wand" was NOT a slur on Dorothy Tetro, whom I think has done a good job as treasurer and at more than this. The "magic wand" comment (which, come now, was really was only light sarcasm compared with what I've seen on this blog!) was in response to YOUR assertion that the terrible, dangerous mess got cleaned up virtually overnight, a rather hard thing to believe.

    1. And I thank you for being understanding and flexible in your thinking.

      I must make comment to you once again that what Israel and Black did was so terrible, and I mean bad, bad, - that Dorothy Tetro had to spend many a day and night trying to put things back together and make it all work, and it took a long time. I'm sorry if I painted a picture that it was done overnight. She really worked at it and consulted with several professional people so that a soft landing could be accomplished, otherwise there would have been panic.

      Some upstanding, knowledgeable people said that you've got to face it, - you've got bankruptcy staring you in the face. "You've got to act quickly and be careful." No, she didn't do it all alone, - she had some professional assistance.

      Lanny, from reports I get, - you're one of the good guys. But, I think you need to be tuned up to the absolute truth about what has transpired. I'll do my very best to answer any and all of your'll hear the truth and nothing but the truth. EDUARDO

  3. You are correct Eduardo. We should all kiss her ring finger. She has done more for trying to keep spending under control than any treasurer has in the past. Unfortunately, she has never received any help from the majority of the other officers nor the President who continuously wants to deplete our resources.
    Dorothy, you are a saint and I thank you everyday for the job you are doing. I was a bookkeeper before my retirement and I understand how difficult it is to keep people from spending money which is not theirs.
    God Bless and keep up the good work.
