Wednesday, October 16, 2013


     Why are outlets of free speech and campaigning being banned all over the Village? Why can we not hold campaign meetings in the Clubhouse? The last time I checked, we all pay dues or fees and have an equal share in it. Why do clubs think that it is not allowed for them to invite guests, whomever they wish, to speak and visit at their club meetings. What is next? A muzzle on all our Associations?

It seems that while our government in Washington is dysfunctional because of selfish extremists in the House who care only for a supposed principle rather than for people, our government here is more concerned with censorship and abrogating the right to free speech.  Last time I checked, Century Village West Palm Beach, though it be gated, is still within the borders of the USA and therefore has all rights and privileges accorded in the Constitution. Therefore, the residents of CV can speak and meet freely. However, it appears that clubs and club presidents are being falsely told they have no rights of invitation and rooms and privileges can be taken away. Really? NO! Should Dave and his cohorts try to do this, they will lose whatever little popularity they have and doom their own campaign.

     Why are Dave and his accomplices running so scared? They are afraid - afraid of the truth, afraid of losing power, afraid of competition. I see the way that ideas of others that have weight or vitality, a possibility, are suddenly coopted into Dave's mouth. There is no thank you to the originator. This is an administrator? NO! Always, a manager thanks his co workers for ideas and inputs. That is how a smooth running operation works. But then again, Dave is a poor administrator.

      When Dave first came into office he knew barely anything about the day to day and yearly needs of the Village and that was OK. A learning curve is to be expected in any new position or job but what happened after that is not acceptable. Competition was quashed, threats and intimidation were used, pet projects were funded with money that came from sources meant for other projects and needs. Free speech and opposition were discouraged and belittling names were tossed upon and at the opponents of Dave. Now Dave thinks he and Ed Black can continue to run the government of CV for all eternity, or until the good Lord decides otherwise. Well we all have to stand up and demand our rights. Term limits will shut Dave right down right now.

     The whine was always that there was no one ready and willing and able to run so we must stay in office to help you, our poor little impaired residents. Well, now that there are others willing to run and hopefully more on the way, the push is on to stifle them. JOIN US in opposing Dave. The tide has already started to turn and the Delegate Assembly has spoken and told Dave that they will not be intimidated. They will not be fooled by half truths and outright lies and evasions. They will exercise their rights and vote his plans down. The truth will out no matter what.

 We have all seen that  and it will happen, and indeed is happening, right now, right here in the Village. Join in and be a part of it. Join the rest of us who are tired of poor government, a lack of financial planning and a lack of concern for the residents of the Village.

     Tradition. That which holds us together. That which ties together the past, present, and future. That which we have always enjoyed in the USA. Speak up. Act up. Just send an email either to Gary, the blogmaster of this site as an easy way to communicate, or send one to and let us arrange a time to talk.  Joan Rivers always asked, "Can we talk?" And my resounding answer is YES, WE CAN and YES WE MUST.  VOTE FOR ESTHER. TELL YOUR DELEGATES.

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