Monday, August 4, 2014

Gutsy Vice President

Marcia Ziccardy, UCO’s Vice President, has shown us her mettle. She has stood up to the great President and attacked his Super Citywide WI-FI plan. This brought a snarl in her direction from the Great Chair. I applaud her chutzpah and her courage.

She also pointed out the conflict that Joy Vestal has by being a sitting Vice President and a Co-Editor of the UCO reporter. Another snarl from the Great Chair.

And further she was the UCO officer who recommended that the Wi-Fi monies collected should be turned over to the General Account and used to build up the Reserves. Another snarl from the Great Chair.

Bravo Marcia I think you are Great and doing the job we hired you for. Big Hug from here.

You can voice your displeasure by attending the next UCO reporter meeting, Sept 5 at 1:00 PM and or Posting an Article or a Comment on My Village Blogger   or you can Email me

1 comment:

  1. Unlike other officers who either have nothing to report - ever - or are one topic only, like lightning hitting the transponder machine. Pathetic, truly pathetic. One working officer in the administration plus Howie O'Brien. No wonder we are in such a mess.
