Thursday, February 13, 2014

Collective Voices

Our Collective Voices Must Be Heard
By Phyllis Richland
I have had the privilege of being an officer of UCO.  The delegate assembly has reminded me of how important it is to think about who we are, and where we are going as a village into the future and to recommit ourselves as officers and residents.
This is an exciting time.  We have an opportunity to make a fresh start and make a difference.
We need an enthusiasm shared by all of us to make the change that will be challenging and constructive
Our voters are intelligent men and women and they know a leader when they see her.  Adding to the anxiety and worry about the next election do not continue to march to the same drum beat.
Sounds tough?  Be optimistic. After all this time of finger pointing and nay saying our voice is being heard. There are clear hard facts that our efforts are changing the narrative.  We are shifting public opinion and making progress because we are on the side of right.
Talking about issues is important to us and the more we are heard the more we are strengthened and minds are changing.

Yes, words matter, facts matter, and most of all public opinions matter. Here what we are saying.  Your voices as one united will get it right. Together we can reclaim the promise.

Vote for Esther. We need The Clarity and cleanliness! Dirty Politics just don't work.


  1. Welcome back - we all missed you. And tank you for your clarity of words and expressions.

  2. Good to hear from you Phyllis.
