Saturday, June 28, 2014

The excuse on Order

More on Free  Speech and the Lack of it in CV

Our governments, local and national, have used the excuse of "order" to shutdown anti-war protests and the Occupy movement. (The malefactors attempts to oppose David Israel's edicts). Free speech includes the right to be disruptive of the normal order of things. Indeed, in this country almost any public protest can be pushed aside, and out of sight, if the strict letter of the laws are applied and if the purpose is to stifle dissent. We must, from time to time, tolerate a measure of disorder and disruption, otherwise the right of free speech is reduced to a slogan, not a reality.

And who gives Our Tinpot Despot the right to take away our God Given rights? At least the rights given us by the Fathers of our Country. He is really a piece of work. 

I have seen a group of letters from and to The Chairman. The gist is that an Association President had asked for some details on UCO proceedings. The shocker came in the Chairman's learned reply. He, being a scholar on Roberts Rules, a scholar on our CV By-Laws and a Attorney of no note on Florida Laws in general. Remarked that the Associations cannot ask for anything, they are not members of UCO. If the President in question wants something from UCO he must ask as a dues paying UCO member. So rewrite the request and we will figure another way to say no.

The next imaginative reply from the Chairman will be no good as a UCO dues payer, you must be a certified Delegate,...and so on.

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