Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Stumble over their own words


     Read DonHOHo's comment on the other blog and then realize how they are falling over their own feet, stumbling over their own words as they try to cover over what they have said all along. For the longest time David Israel and his shills and dupes have been ranting and raving like lunatics that there is no shortfall. That is only what the "malcontents" say, they said. We have all the money we need, they stated and whoa!! suddenly we find that lo and behold! There is a shortfall, a major one. Over $1.2 million dollars, but that is okay because they will simply rack up the UCO fees and never mind the fact that people cannot eat that increase. 
     So along comes a treasurer who knows how to find what they have tried so hard to hide, their own slate member so they cannot run him over as they did a prior Treasurer who called them on their fiscal stupidity and malfeasance. He knows that we have to do something and I do not know if it was he who convinced David Israel or David Israel looking in the mirror and realizing that if he did not do something, burning effigies were in his future! Suddenly the holy grail of grails, the reserve fund set aside for the unnecessary and unwanted Wi Fi, was going to be needed to transfer over to the reserve debt. What a turnaround!
     But wait! There's more! (Ah, there's that damned knife commercial again!). Suddenly after spouting off like timed geysers that there is no need for a reserve, for money set aside, and no legal requirement, after getting a spanking in public over that stupidity, suddenly they are falling all over themselves to say  oh, there is no legal requirement as such but it behooves responsible people to follow fiduciary responsibility and have a reserve. Wow!!!! Can you imagine that!
    In all this, methinks I hear an echo. I hear an echo of myself, of Olga, of Ed G. and Ed R., of Dorothy, of Gary, of Marcia, of Phyllis, of John, of George and Herb and Jack and everyone else who has tried to watch the careless spending these jerks had planned for our Village. All battles could not be won - hence the road and drainage fiasco that is still biting us in the rear - but the stupidity of the lift, and yes, it was a lift, not an elevator, being installed for an exorbitant price in Hastings, was stopped dead in its tracks.
     So you see, David Israel, now you are spouting our party line with your shill using the word consensus! Lucky I was sitting when I read that! Oh, and now that you are beginning to spout OUR lines, does that make the Know Nothing Do Nothing party applicants for the "malcontents" party? Hmmm... Interesting thought that, yes? Maybe we can gin up an application form and give it our immediate attention, as immediate as the attention you have given to my applications for seats on committees.

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