Sunday, August 10, 2014

Good for 1 unit - Not on your Life

I have to post this and comment.

Wanna opt-out? Help is on the way

Tired of paying $120.00 for WI-FI good (at best) for one unit only?
Call the POTATO HEAD hotline (if busy call SPUDS), they might tell you to
Add a new chair (2 or more is best) in your condo
Have some SPUDS seat comfortably in it/them

"...using a combination of specially developed measuring and analysis tools and lots of potatoes, the Boeing engineers have been able to better understand the distribution of these hot and cold spots and safely tweak the Wi-Fi setup accordingly."

Here is a guy or women that is completely out of it.
Is it talking about Wi-Fi, spuds, potatoes, or what. He actually thinks that the $120 is maybe only good for one unit. We are operating a 42 unit Condo with only one Wi-Fi access. All working well.

Dumb and dumber

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