Tuesday, August 12, 2014

UCO History and By-Laws

I have had the opportunity to read the History of Century Village a very interesting bit of history. What strikes me is that we have moved from the beginning to increase the quality of life of the residents. The rules and history indicate that the Unit owners rights and quality of life was always put in the forefront.

Here is a link to the UCO by Laws

That was then, until now. The UCO management seems to want to put their agendas first and ours, the Residents, last.

They have Residents, who are multiple unit owners, and therefore can be considered Resident Real Estate Agents. Which is against the by-laws  and not good for Century Village. These same people hold unelected offices on some of our Committees. Not good either.

While we have highly qualified volunteers who are refused Committee assignments.

The President of UCO's present agenda is to collect and  finance a Village wide Wi-FI. So far we have not heard a price. My guess is it will be in the $millions.

It doesn't even make sense. There is another idea on the table. It is Association Wi-Fi, where each association has it's own  Wi-Fi. Israel keeps railing that this don't work. But the fact is it is working in many of the Associations and where it is there is satisfaction. Price $120 per month. This leaves out the roads, the canals and the green space, probably also the parking lots. So what?

I think we have more pressing needs here in the Village. How about building up the general reserves? How about building up a reserve for the coming road repair? How about making some moves and buying out the "Developers". If we can save $2/unit/month/for years for the Wi-Fi dream, why not  buy out the Levy's with the same savings? Then we can own WPIR.

I see that the President remarks that the original Comcast deal for basic Cable for all the residents is held in derision and is way too expensive, He wants, I guess, is to the bring the cable in with his Wi-Fi system. Which will be cheaper. Will it? Will it work? Will Comcast agree to it? Will AT&T? Thats all there is.

I think the President lives in a world of his own imagination, and is getting further further out of touch.

Maybe it is time for a New modern senseable President.

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