Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I am not a spoke person

Lets talk about Pseudo lawyers, wannabee attorneys, arrogant non lawyers, and non spoke persons who are not lawyers.

This description could describe many of the politicos in our Village, but the best is the occupant of Room 101 UCO** building.

Here resides the chief non spoke person** who is not a attorney, practicing or other wise.

Some of the things he says and does are actually mind boggling.

For instance, he brought in a expert on Wi-Fi to comment on UCO's Wi-Fi plan a while ago. We paid $1000 out of our treasury. His comment was that the approach will not work. First up was the need for a Tower, and second was the need for County approvals. Both of which probably will not happen.

So what did the 101 Resident** say to that? " We go full steam ahead!" Do we get a chance to see the price involved here? So far No! Unbelievable! His expert says no and David Israel says yes. And then the opposition is blamed for having the nerve to offer a viable alternate method.

What we need here is a open and free discussion on the Wi-Fi, with  experts, consultants and residents having there say. Perhaps at a Town Hall Meeting. What we don't need is a Delegate Meeting where the proposal is first brought up for Public Scrutiny and immediately voted upon, and if the Vote goes the way of the terms limits, another vote

** Davis Israel

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