Wednesday, August 6, 2014

An Explanation of Basic Cable TV

Arrogance abounds in Room 101 UCO

It is to bad that the President wants to change the original meaning and intent of the Bi-lateral Agreement. His Arrogance wants to include all growth in the technologies sector as part and parcel of the Bi-Lateral Agreement.

He is Arrogantly ignoring the original intent. Which was to get inexpensive and basic TV for all of Century Village, nothing more, nothing less.

When it was passed everybody thought this was a good thing, now years later, based on what the President wants, notice I said what the President wants,  turns into a bad thing.

I don't quite see it that way. For a rather small cost every resident in CV has basic TV. What is wrong with that?

The other side of the agreement is the Israel side. That is, that all technology change, all technology improvement is part of the agreement and is and should be included.

This means that all improvement in Telephony technology must be included. All improvement in Internet Technology must be included. Space travel?, Planes? Who knows what else The Arrogant Chairman can add to the the basic TV plan?

Lets not lose sight of the Chairman's basic plan here. He wants to take a Retirement Community and turn it into one of Donald Trump's show places. Of course you know who will pay for it.

What if the majority of the residents don't want this? What if the Residents just want to retire and not go into the battle any more? We are here to just retire and hope we do not outlive our money. 

Is something wrong with this??


  1. i do not know about anyone else, but i pay $41.00 a month for wi-fi , many for my friends pay the same. these charges are for the lowest wi-fi speed. No, i do not want to group phone, tv, internet for $100.00 as many people do. what i want is wi-fi for 2-3 dollars. what is wrong with that ? nothing. we need to update , just because we retired does not mean we retired from life. we need to keep up with everyday life which for many include wi-fi.

    1. $1.00 would be better. But you cannot buy into Dave's Pie in the sky. There is a fair cost to everything and Dave'd choice is not it. You can save a a lot of money by getting your association to go along with the Association Wi-Fi plan. At least that way you divide the monthly cost of $120 fixed by the total subscribers, But if you want to buy $2.00 Wi-Fi, or $5 air fares or 5 cent apples keep looking....

  2. Looking at the cones and wondering. Why if we want cameras at the gates, don't we Wi-Fi the gates? Why say we need the whole village Wi-Fi'd just to the have Wi-Fi Cameras at the Gates. Also what is the cost the Village Wide Wi-Fi?
