Monday, August 18, 2014

Lawsuit and Non Licensed Attorneys

So the non-legal attorney, the non licensed lawyer has put himself out in front of the coming lawsuit. I don't see where legal advice is coming from any quarter except from the non-lawyer himself.

He is trying to say that the coming lawsuit, that is being brought against the President for Malfeasance In office is the Villager's Fault.

Not so, the fault and losses fall squarely on David Israel. His squirming to get out from under will do him no good.

Fellow Villagers lets remember this lawsuit is about the poorly run contracts for the roads and the poor work that was a result from it. The ignorance and arrogance to place a multi-million dollar contract written in one page, with no performance guarantee and no inspection is beyond belief.

The President has the audacity, the chutzpah, the arrogance to call about for help to the same people that he hurt, the Unit Owners.

This time I think the arrogance of the man is going to work in the Villages Favor.

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