Monday, August 18, 2014

Lord, What fools

(but,  not for long.)

 It took David Israel almost two weeks to put the letter he received from Peter Feaman, the Attorney in the lawsuit against HIM and UCO on his blog; Read this letter carefully, it is a powerhouse.  This letter puts David Israel in the forefront of responsibility for the horrendous roadway project he masterminded.  However, this piece of excrement has the nerve to chastise the responsible parties that are seeking retribution for his malfeasance.  David may have learned his tricks well at the NSA, but he cannot fool the intelligent people of the village who are more and more realizing what a deceitful person he really is. He is the lowest form of a human being with a morality preceding the Stone Age; he lies, cheats, and bullies you into believing he is your friend.  He works day and night conjuring up ways to fool you, but his time has finally come; he is the caged lion that cannot escape. The only thing he can do is ROAR, ROAR, and ROAR.   


  1. So he heard from the Licensed Attorney Feaman on August 6th. In his (Israels's) infinite wisdom, he kept this hidden for 2 weeks. While he did what?
