Saturday, August 9, 2014

Thinking, Obsolence and Opinion

AN OPINION BY Stew Richland

O WiFi,  Wifi, wherefore art thou Wifi?
Deny thy zettabytes and refuse thy wisdom;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my enemy
And Y’ll no longer be part of the community!.
All of our Century Village residents are unique in the fact that we have had the experience of living in a period of time when the computer did not exist.  A time when you had to go to the library to do research.  When you typed your correspondence on a manual typewriter.  If you had to make a telephone call you used your house land line or perhaps one of those boxes that, if you were lucky to find one not vandalized, a “pay phone.”  In case of an emergency, you could use Western Union to send a message or money.  However,  “Time Marches On!”  (For the older members of CV this was the title of a famous radio show)  We live in a nation that encourages , rewards and supports curiosity and imagination.  From this creative energy we now have the computer, mobile phones and the internet (which we all know was invented by Al Gore.) 
As a teacher, the computer and internet access has dramatically changed my methods of teaching and presenting information in a format that helps makes learning fun.  I am a huge fan of the internet, but I am not addicted to it.  When I read the UCO president’s blog in which he states that UCO (the “Committee’) will have the power to select a provider for cable television for CV,  seemed very reasonable and responsible.  I doubt if any CV resident had then and now any qualms  or reservations on the selection of Comcast as our cable provider.  For many residents the basic cable service is adequate for their needs.  However, for those who feel that they have a need for addition channels, they have the option to purchase additional service from Comcast at their own expense.  This is a personal decision being made by a resident as to what services they want and need.  The key point here is that the individual  makes the decision and not  “big Brother” who assumes he/she (politically correct)  knows better than you on what you need and how to spend your money.
In his blog, Dave instructs us  with some tech talk.  “What is a Cable?”  Thank you for the lesson.  Every apartment in CV has cable.  To paraphrase “Juliet”  Tis not thy name that is my enemy, it is Thou art yourself in your desire to manipulate the residents to accept your vision for our Village. What's in a name? That which we call a WIFI, By any other word would smell as sweet (or pungent); O be some other name! Computer Data, Audio or Internet.  Dave does not hesitate to instruct us about Internet Protocol and the amount of exabytes per month will zoom through our cable connections. No matter which way Dave attempts to spin his narrative, “A rose is a rose” or , WIFI is WFI and how sweet this is!
The “world is changing” so Dave poetically reminds us.  Pontificating   from the mountain, he tells the residents we can not allow the future to pass us by.  Jump on the WIFI bandwagon and we will be ready for the future.  Does it not occur to these people that most of us do live in the 21st century already.
A few weeks ago I attended the information meeting in which two representatives of Comcast presented  how Village WIFI could be delivered to the residents. Every attendee stated that they already had WIFI operating in their home.  Some speakers said that they had installed routers that afforded their neighbors WIFI access with little or no cost to them.  I observed that I have a modem  that was installed by Comcast and operated at the maximum download speed for non-commercial subscribers.  In addition, I purchased an inexpensive Netgear router which allows me to access the internet from any room in my apartment and when I sit on my patio.  WIFI is available to residents at the club house and pool sites.  Based on Dave’s plan WIFI would be everywhere in the Village.  Its like a Swiss Army knife, when open it could do anything.  What ever the Gold Standard is for WIFI he wants it for the Village, whether the residents want it or not. 
Posted on Dave’s blog were some comments made by his supporters.  Anitra shares with us the fact that she has a Comcast business modem. Wonderful for her. Her problem is that the signal does not extend very far from her condo.  Solution Anitra, don’t wander to far away from your signal. Problem solved.  You can, of course, take your lap top to the pool or club house and internet away to your hearts content. If this works for you great.  But don’t lay your concerns on my door step. Addressing your other issue, I have a modem and my access is under my control.  No fear that anyone can tap in to my computer. Another responder shares with us how they use their TV and internet.  Based on what this person is outlining, internet, IPads, Roku etc.  I wonder how much time is left in their lives for personal interaction. Another family becoming a victim of the WIFI age. Your decision to live like this great.  You suggest that we support Village wide WIFI and not be left behind. Given your life routine, I opt for mine.  One of my greatest pleasures is to sit and talk to my highly intelligent clever and stimulating wife then be hypnotized by the tube and I Phone.
When I started to write this article, I wanted to find out about the long term psychological impact that excessive use of the internet has on people.  What the researchers found,  that the growing number of internet users became addicted in the same way people became addicted to drugs and alcohol.  This led to occupational and social impairment.  Depression was another result of pathological internet use. One researcher observed, “The internet is unlike anything we’ve seen before.”  “It’s a socially connecting device that socially isolating at the same time.”  I can attest to these views when students in my school are constantly using their I Phones in class, walking through the halls.  When I ask them put it away, they hide the phones under their desks, under their books or on their laps.  They would rather be kicked out of class than give up their phone for 45 minutes.  Alas, the unintended consequences of the internet age.
Dave, if we lived in a Utopian world it would be marvelous to have the joys of WIFI.  We could erect a tower in the lake and have cute little satellite boosters situated all around the Village. This would enable the addicted to use the internet during their exercise strolls around the campus or perhaps while riding their bikes or even in their cars. 
Xfinity agrees with the Utopian community view.  I just opened my mail and I am being told Xfinity will provide me with FREE access to millions of WIFI HOTSPOTS NATIONWIDE!.  All I have to do is download their AP and not only will they save you money but I can visit all the “hot spots” around West Palm and even national wide. Goody, Goody, if I was not depressed before, I will be now.  Its to bad that we have to sleep sometimes.  Think about all the great hotspots we will not visit while we catch a few ZZZZZZZs
The reason why there is gridlock on the WIFI issue is that so many people do not want it.  They want to exercise their right to opt out.  They do not want it period. History tells us that bullies ultimately defeat themselves.  Dave, take the advice from a history teacher.


  1. I couldn't have done better. Excellent Stew.The thing about David Israel is that his arrogance gets in the way of his pride. The Village Wide WiFi is going to be Dave's.monument to Dave.

  2. Bravo Stew!!

  3. Stew, you deserve a Pulitzer prize for this. It is the funniest thing and so true. As a fan of Shakespeare, all I have to say is Forsooth, I wisheth I hadst the wits within me to writeth such an paean to common sense and truth.

  4. Thank you Stew. You remind us that it is a sad commentary on the "NOW" generation who cannot enjoy the simple pleasure of conversation over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

  5. Stew, I love your articles. It is a pleasure reading all your article especially after reading some of the crap that is put on David's blog. Kudos.
