Friday, August 8, 2014

Wi-Fi and Security

I see that we have traffic cameras set up at the Gates. These cameras are apparently operating via a local Wi-Fi signal. So now the Occupant of room 101** agrees that we should have other cameras through out the village. I don't see why.

The PBSO wants them for traffic enforcement. But even so, is that the reason we want Wi-Fi on the roads. We already have Wi-Fi in the club house, at the pools including the Wellington East pool. So for traffic enforcement we need cameras. I don't think so. For traffic enforcement the Police Cars are equipped with speed monitors and their own Wi-Fi.

You want to put up crime prevention cameras around the Associations, perfectly reasonable use the associations Wi-Fi. You want cameras at the pools use the Pool Wi-Fi. All of the needed Wi-Fi is already in place. I know Mr. Israel says it don't work ,but that is not the facts. The pools are working fine and the Associations are also working fine. The only thing that is not working fine is Israel's Ego

So I still haven't heard a good reasonable reason for Village wide Wi-Fi, or for that matter the cost of it all.

 Dave** sounds to me you want this as a monument to you and your Presidency.

**David Israel

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