Sunday, November 16, 2014

Flummoxed again

I don't know about you people, my readers, but I am flummoxed by the flimflam going on about the reserve short fall.

Do we have have a short fall? Are the reserves in the hole millions?  Or are we up to date in CV City?

Two Delegate assemblies ago, we were told,,  woe is us,  we have  reserves that are deep in the minus and this is no good and we must do something about it, About it now! To the tune of a monthly increase of nearly  $15 per unit.

Then at the next DA we were told the reserve problems are fixed. Our reserves are right where they belong. No more worries folks.

So, tell me, how did this magical change happen? Where did the money come from? Where did it go in the first place?

The powers that be will not answer this. Or they cannot answer this.

But we, as Citizens of CV,  as owners of UCO, as the final Board of Directors,  should know. So why not tell us what shenanigans were done to make approximately $1.5 million disappear in one month and Reappear the next.

I have always thought, and said so. UCO is run by a Wizard.

But I kept hoping it was not the Wizard of Oz.

And more. Please do not forget our Treasurer is a practicing Forensic Accountant. But so is Ed Grossman. Why don't these 2 guys, sit down together, peaceably, and explain this dilemma to us?

And don't forget this slight of hand was done without moving any of the WiFi monies stored for a future fiasco.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, my.............this really DID real life??? I thought I had a dream about this!! Only in dreams or fairy tales can such an impossible thing happen. Wow, living in Century Village creates miracles. Just think of how much our condo values are going to go up as a result! Wonder what the next miracle will be! Guess we no longer need village wide Wi-Fi to increase our property values.
