Friday, January 2, 2015

The Great Disruptor

The Great Disruptor was at it again. At our Delegates Meeting the subject of the new Budget came up. Amid much arguments and yelling the budget was not passed. The great disruptor was in his usual form. Yelling and shouting and threatening the speakers. In particular he was, as I was, happy to see Randy Bochard. But after Randy took the microphone he was seen as disrupting the meeting,  from where I sat the disruption was caused by the Chair it self. He, the chair, thinks he is the know all and end all to the Roberts Rules. He is not.

A lengthy discussion was had on the subject of the Road repairs that are coming up. The 15 year length was questioned. The price of a $1 million per year was questioned. The inspection by a licensed civil engineer was questioned. 

So the  facts are the Treasurer had no information as to how the length and price was arrived at. Dom advised that he had arrived at this cost and time by pretty much guessing. Remember that for every million dollars we try to save the unit holders are assessed $10 per month. So for 2015 we have $700,000 in reserves, so we need $300,000. (That is if they spend the reserves.) The charge is $3 per unit. In 2016 another $1 million has to be put away, another $10 is added to the fees. Per unit fees will increase by $7 for a total increase of $10. And on and on and on...

In the mean time where is the professional Civil Engineer we should be using to advise us? Why do we need one?  So says the Great Disruptor. He figures that he can act as our non-credited lawyer, our in house Civil Engineer and resident expert on Robert's Rules and save us a bundle.

What should have been done was commissioned a Licensed Civil Engineer to advise us on what we should do about the roads, what it will cost, and how long before we have to start.

The excitement at this Delegates Meeting was the question period on the budget. The treasurer was almost non-communicative. So sensible questions concerning the budget was either not answered or were answered abruptly.

So the budget was turned down. The President again broke out his lies and said that if we turned down the 2015 budget we would have to fall back to the 2014 budget and pay again for the WiFi. - WRONG

What will happen is that the 2014 budget will be the current budget. The 2015 budget goes back to be fixed and at the next Delegate Meeting will be voted on again. In the meantime don't pay the $2 per month for the WiFi.

The anger that Israel has for those delegates that go against him became very obvious at this meeting. He broke out the disruptor card again. Although to my way of looking at it he was the disruptor, his constant talking over the delegate and the banging of the gravel is not conducive to good order. He is the one that is out of control and is the disruptor.


  1. Gary - re licensed civil engineer
    Been there and done that as Mr. Grossman so succinctly put it. The recommendations were ignored; the swales are still mostly non-existent; the "french drains" don't seem to be doing their job (could it be because the roads don't pitch toward them?); the roads themselves are in near deplorable condition; the money is who knows where and on and on.

  2. One of the problems is arrogance, not to mention pompensity of the Chair. His yelling and arguing instead of letting the Delegates work it out is a big part of th problems.
