Saturday, June 7, 2014



David Israel acted disgracefully at the delegate assembly and nearly incited a riot.  After 30 seconds into my speech under GOOD AND WELFARE, he shouted for me to sit down. He refused to allow me to continue.   It is my absolute right under Roberts Rules of law and David’s own precedent to allow  residents three minutes to speak.   When he refused to allow me to continue, my “Italian Blood'” got the best of me, I said some nasty words to him and refused to sit down. He threatened to call the Law. I told him to go ahead.  His only choice to get out of an embarrassing situation was for the meeting to end abruptly, as it did.
 QUESTION:  Why didn't Marilyn Gorodetzer, who is chair of the advisory committee, tell Mr. Israel that I have the right to speak for three minutes?  She is frequently quick to stand up and tell someone they are “OFF TOPIC," but this time she did not say one word. Marilyn is a shill for David Israel and should be replaced as chair of the advisory committee for someone who is unbiased.

David Israel did another despicable thing at the delegate assembly. When the delegates voted to approve $25,000 to fix the “PAVEMENT “on the perimeter walkways, he forced the 7 or 8 people who chose to vote”NO” to stand up or else their vote would not be counted. (I was proud to stand - Gary)  It was more than obvious that the vote passed yet David wanted to show the audience who the “Nays” were.  This horrendous act was no different than the Nazi storm troopers  parading the Jews around with yellow armbands.  
The speech I was going to make at the delegate assembly is printed below: 
Some people are attempting to fool you into thinking that the lawsuit against David Israel and UCO is against the residents. They say because WE are members of UCO, we are suing ourselves. I will explain why this reasoning is absolutely false.

As residents, we are members of UCO, which is a non-profit corporation.  A corporation with an official elected body to represent its members, the residents - the same way the officers of a corporation are elected to represent their shareholders.   Elected officials are required to maintain their fiduciary duties to the members of that corporation. 

When elected officials breach these duties such as  signing  a one-page  contact for a five million dollar roadway paving job, we do not punish every member or shareholder of that corporation, we  punish the officials’ responsible and this is exactly what we are doing,  WE ARE SUING  THE ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO BREACHED THEIR FIDUCIARY DUTIES. We are NOT suing ourselves, the members.

What is it about Officers of the Corporation doing the wrong thing? What is it about the  misfeasance and Malfeasance of the of the officers that some of the  ess knowledgeable Delegates do not understand? - Gary 


  1. I know this is not the right place to say this but I have just read Bob's blog and he keeps saying he is not a crook. It reminds me of Richard Nixon when he said he was not a crook. Sounds to me like he is protesting too much.

  2. A person who caresJune 7, 2014 at 2:44 PM

    Dear Mr. Israel,
    You have caused a serious disruption in this village. I have been to many delegate meetings and I have seen firsthand your ability to sway the residents in doing your bidding. I am ashamed of myself because I have never spoken up for the few people who are trying to do Justice to this Village. I am urging you to step down as president of UCO and allow someone else to take over who is not dictatorial. As long as you remain in office there will never be any peace in century village. You remain a detriment to this village and I hope you will heed my advice and step down.

  3. What was David Israel thinking when He posted the video of the last delegate assembly meeting on HIS BLOG and told people to view the last three minutes because “IT speaks for itself”. It sure does it shows him violating his own rule of allowing people three minutes to speak. Is he really that stupid?
