Sunday, February 8, 2015

Denying Residents their Rights


            The Canons of professional ethics was recently cited as the reason for denying a residents request to examine the financial records of UCO.
         Not being a professional myself, I thought I would look up the said canons in an attempt to gain some understanding of what they are and what they mean.
         I soon discovered that there is such a thing; there are canons for lawyers, doctors, accountants and a host of other professionals. They outline the basic principles of fair play for individuals or organizations doing business.
         Compliance is another matter. Some groups require professionals to sign documents enshrined in their constitution or bylaws or swear an oath to ensure that they follow the ethics outlined in the canons and set forth remedies for those who contravene.
         I could not find any such document in the UCO constitution or bylaws in this matter. Perhaps there is such a document. Could any of our dear readers enlighten me on this?
         To arbitrarily cite canons of ethics as an excuse to deny queries when those citing them are not formally bound by them is in my opinion a contravention of the underlying principles . They were formulated to ensure that fair play takes precedence over personal considerations.
         Perhaps it is time for UCO to adopt a canon of ethics governing the actions of the executive.    
Neil J Moore


  1. Canons, schmanons. The rule in Florida is the Sunshine law and that means all is to be open for all to see with amounts of days allotted to fulfill the request. All discussions are to be in the open too and that does not happen here in UCO. Ethics? There are none that they uphold.

  2. Neil, you touched on a virgin subject. At present their are no provisions in the bylaws for" Ethics". Maybe the time has come consider adding it because ethics and morality go hand in hand and the present leaders of UCO are morally corrupt.

  3. Neil, your concern for the village is touching and I encourage other RENTERS to get involved with the village, however as previously pointed out by others on this blog, renters have no vote, nor do they have any representation in the village. As I was shot down when I mentioned having some kind of representation for renters in the village, and yes, by some that are are shouting for your sainthood now, maybe you should reconsider some of what you say.
    If renters get representation as I suggested, which is either one delegate for all the renters or one for each quadrant, then what you say would matter. Until then...
