Friday, February 27, 2015

Ed Black etal

David Israel has written on his Blog and I quote. “Two of these, in my opinion, should be elected based on a proven track record of concern for our Village.”
Do you remember when we were children and we went into a candy store and they had candy on display. We wanted some of it and our Mothers said NO. We stamped out of the store crying and stamping our feet.

That is Barbara Cornish. She could not get what she wanted which at the time was Term Limits so she resigned. She was elected to serve the people and she walked out of her responsibility to work and serve them. Now she is back running for office. Why would you want to vote for a quitter?

At an Officer’s Meeting when Barbara Cornish was a VP.  David Israel, ever the gentleman, called her “a Toxic Tart”. How can anybody with any self-respect or dignity run for an office under the auspices of David Israel after the insulting remark, so she can quit again in the middle of her term? Maybe she will not like another vote at the DA so that if elected she can again quit in the middle of her Term.  This is not the type of individual you want representing the residents on the board on the Board.

Ed Black was a Vice president when the Hurricane destroyed our Club House. He ran that group of officer’s tasked with the repair.

He was partly responsible for spending 10 million dollars of the Village’s money to have the Club House repaired.

Most of this money was not the responsibility of the Residents and should have been returned to them. They had to sue to get back part of the money. He was not concerned for the Residents.

Ed Black was the handpicked Treasurer of UCO when the roads were being repaired. He emptied the treasury of almost 5 Million Dollars when it was not necessary to do then job all at once according to the Engineers report.
The Engineers said in their Report that the Paving could be done in 2 parts over 3 years. 

Ed Black told the Delegates that if they did not do the job all at once it would cost $500,000 more to move the equipment out of the Village and then bring it back at another time. David Israel wrote in the Village Reporter it would cost $1,000,000 to re-mobilize the equipment. The other 2 bids we received said it would cost about $85,000 to re-mobilize the equipment, Ed Black David Israel and Roger Carver pushed the Residents to use M&M Paving to do the job. 

Do you want this kind of individual to be part of a team controlling your money in the Village? Never!

Do not Vote for Ed Black if you want to save your Village. He definitely puts it in jeopardy.

Vote for John Gluszak and Marcia Ziccardy. They are Candidates of and for the people in the Village, not lackeys of David Israel.

We ended the year of 2013 with $21,000 in the Treasury.
He was really concerned for the residents.

Definitely do not vote for Barbara Cornish or Ed Black

A Concerned Resident


  1. Another Concerned ResidentFebruary 27, 2015 at 3:32 PM


  2. Another concerned citizenFebruary 28, 2015 at 1:52 PM

    If Barbara Cornish reads this blog, I believe she should answer this post. If she does not, then the author is well within his right to recommend that she does not deserve our vote.

  3. I feel that this blog is a missed opportunity. I began my perusal of My Village Blog and OUR VILLAGE with a totally open mind, willing to consider the views of the David Israel followers and the so-called "Malcontents". For a while I was willing to espouse the ideals of those who opposed David Israel, since the paving project and the lack of exposure seemed to suggest malfeanse. That may still be true, but the TOTAL lack of professionalism, re: language has caused me to reconsider my objection to DI. Is the use of insults, denigrating language and demeaning laguage what we might expect from a new administration? I challenge you to comment on the Israel administration for the next two weeks without religious, ethnic or mental insults and focus purely on the issues that REALLY mater to CV residents. Please do not disappoint me

  4. Jangor I Challange you to show where we have used Religious, ethic or mental insults. Of course we level our insults at the Israel administration. Who wouldn't? He blocks us from use of the blog, use of Channle 63, the UCO reporter, ease of use of the Clubhouse. his dictatorial ravings at the DA, Why should we not point out all of this . But we don't attack his relgion, we dont attack ethnicity. We do attack his mental state, his adminitration,etc.

  5. I agree. David Israel is the one who has used religious and ethnic slurs and as far as "insults" - goose and gander here. Why would we be willing to be called all sorts of names, be threatened with violence and force, have our rights abrogated - and not send a little payback. As for the issues, go on my blog and see how many times I have listed the issues, the solutions, the questions and the possible answers BUT THE MAN WILL NOT ENGAGE IN DIALOGUE. if YOU THINK YOU HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS PROBLEM THEN BY ALL MEANS, HAVE AT IT.
