Thursday, June 25, 2015


Some of the rules that are insisted on at the Clubhouse are Archaic. The dress code for the Movie Theater is ridiculous. Why, for an afternoon movie must the women be dressed with pants that go beyond the knee and men must dress with collared shirts? Why is that? Is that somebody's idea of proper dress?

How about the archaic rule that you must over 21 to go into the Pool Room. That is just discriminatory and plain stupid. The Pool Halls of past are gone. There is no reason to keep a young man out. Actually, a better age limit might be 16.

Meanwhile some of the rules effect the Clubs and Associations. Did you know that the allocation of meeting rooms in the Clubhouse has a political component?

If your politics do not agree with those of the UCO Establishment then you will NOT get space for your meetings in the Clubhouse. The rules here are somewhat nebulous, but they exist.

Actually, these same political rules apply to channel 63 and the UCO Reporter. These rules start at the UCO President’s desk. It is clearly discriminatory.

The other question that I have to ask. Just who is promulgating these rules? Is it the Clubhouse administration or the UCO administration? After all although we the CV owner donot own the clubhouse we rent it and we pay for all services provided. So it seems to me that the UCO administration is at fault. Specifically the President of UCO, David Israel.


  1. Gary, In response to your comment re: Dress Code...It does not apply to anyone attending the Movies, regardless of whether they are shown, during the day, or eveing. However, Saturday Night Dances, Live Performances in the Theatre, do &
    rightfully so. No need for anyone to appear in their "Work Out Clothes" or women's
    attire that belong in a "Strip Club" ( I have seen some)
    As for Pool room regulations, many young people come from homes where Pool tables are part of their recreation, and if they are accompanied, the restriction should be lifted...not at the Dances, as liquor is usually present, nor any other venue that presents "Adult: the way, these are WPRF rules, not UCO's, which I do not believe they '"weighed" in on....The Usher's are required to
    inforce them, which of course are under UCO's supervision. I personally do not know, regarding the allocation of meeting rooms, I do believe that comes under the juristiction of WPRF, they assign rooms to "Clubs" consisting off a minimumn of 20 members...As for 63, by all means that should be governed by an "Impartial" chair,
    as should be the Reporter, under the heading of "Communications Editor"..someone who is impartial, who too will work in conjunction with a committee, and NOT a VP...As for Joy Vestal, remember, she was Co Editor, before she ran for the Office of VP, and once she announced her intentions, she should have Resigned from the paper. Having volunteered my time, after Jean Dowling/Sue Cohen's era, I remember full well, Ed Black suggesting she come aboard, due to her past experience with Newsday, on Long Island. Hopefully in the future, we will never experience this again. No One person, can Handle Two full time jobs, and they (Vp & Co Editor) are just that.
