Sunday, December 20, 2015

Examine your Sensibities


How much lower is he going to stoop to win the UCO Election for president against his formidable adversary, Phyllis Richland? His latest caper to contact code enforcement to take down the banner,   “PHYLLIS RICHLAND FOR PRESIDENT OF UCO” at the Synagogue  was indicative of his despicable attempt to keep her from winning the election. The signs of his mental deterioration have become prevalent; he is so terrified of losing the election, he will resort to any means.

How far will David Israel resort to before he reaches the point of becoming a total madman? He is now cowering in his corner; it is only a short time before he begins to start mumbling to himself repeating the words, I’ll get them; I'll get them.    The delegates need to step up to the plate and vote him and all his puppets out of office before we become a shadow of Nazi Germany.  

I am beginning to see remnants of the seeds of Adolph Hitler being played out in Century Village. In the beginning, people did not take Adolph seriously until he started to annihilate the people who supported him before turning on his enemies. Is this what we want for the village?    I think not.   I call on all good people to examine their sensibilities and support Phyllis Richland for President of UCO.  


  1. Heaven forbid if the delegates elect this madman again.

  2. The time is now, to voice your opposition to the way, the President of UCO,is trying to control the elections. Delegates it's time to retire the President. Lets have an honest election. People get involve now, see what happens when you don't get involve. People will take advantage of you.

  3. RESIDENTS: At your ANNUAL MEETING. tell your DELEGATE how you want them to vote for PRESIDENT. MAKE sure that they have your interest, who you the RESIDENTS really want for PRESIDENT.
