Sunday, March 13, 2016


Mollie Marshall whose husband Bob sent the residents down the river to the tune of eleven Million dollars is blaming the “MALCONTENTS “for not having Wi-Fi in the village.  It appears that her memory is failing her. She does not recall that it was the DELEGATES who turned down Wi-Fi. Meanwhile, we “Malcontents” are enjoying Wi-Fi for $6.50 per month while David Israel and his clowns sit on their butt waiting for the delegates to approve it.

The “MALCONTENTS”   are the people who “GET THINGS DONE”. We don’t sit on our asses in front of a computer waiting for the delegates to rise and shine. WE DO IT, WE DID IT and WE ARE ENJOYING IT.



  1. The delegates who turned down Wi-Fi are the very same ones who voted FOR David Israel.
    You should consider this Mollie before you blame the malcontents for being responsible.

  2. Thank you Lady for reminded me that the same delegates who voted overwhelmingly against Wi-Fi., are the very Delegates who David invited and transported to his office
    to elect him. These delegates, who many are aged and infirm, never attended meetings, and the majority of them do NOT own a computer. They are in the dark about the workings of the village, and are not aware that he is attempting to have them pay for a village Wi-Fi. they do not want.
    David is now holding meetings to bring Wi-Fi to the village against the wishes of these delegates who voted for him. This may be the final hammering of the nail in his coffin.

  3. I want to hold the hammer.

  4. Shouldn't the administration be taking directions from the Board of Directors ( The Delegates ) on this or any other initiative before even considering it? How does The President decide what he is going to do without getting direction from his superiors ( us ) ? Looks like the tail is wagging the dog here. There should be a motion and a vote taken on whether the administration should be proceeding with this before pushing ahead.
